Now we see through a glass darkly

Now we see through a glass darkly
Helen Keller and her mother exemplified in the Miracle Worker

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

When can I quit, Mrs. Day? I asked her that this morning. For the love of Catechising:

There is a very intricate design that is all over the room, when God's "peaceful wings, unfurled" condescend to men of low estate. I see the swirlees and the continuation of this wondrous and luxurious design that is certainly and definitely a wing of some sort or another. It is beautiful and mysterious and comforting and very visible to me, though not to anybody else. I don't see Mrs. Day, but she steps out of the wings sometimes and comforts me with inaudible reasonings of the why's of the task of mothering.
She held me gently by the hand this morning, and walked me through the slough of unbelief that is often my pre-Christmas condition. I never really see her. I just sense her gentle feminine sympathy with my anxieties. She had no daughters, but she has much to show for her diligence in a heavenly estate. Do you want their names written in heaven? she catechized me back. Yes, maam. Well the molding of their character series is one thing the perserverance of maternal prayers on their account is an entirely nother thing.
We are called to labor in prayer and in example of love and focus on the eternal, when their eyes can only see and feel the tangible. If you frame their thinking in God's Word and Catechism, God will solidify their faith by the Holy Spirit. Dominion is given to the Church and we war against the principalities and powers in heavenly places. Everybody needs a tutor in some subject or another. The load is very heavy with the number of children and dear ones that you have. Cast the cares on Jesus, but don't-Don't-DON'T Give up!
I just love the pep talks I get from that victorious woman of faith. Lord, give me grace to do, just that! In Jesus' Name and for all of the mother's whose load seems heavy over the holidays, grant strength to stand and point to Jesus. AMEN.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

I think that looks like "peaceful wings, unfurled". I say they came down to show me that!:)

It came upon the midnight clear, That glorious song of old, From angels bending near the earth, To touch their harps of gold: "Peace on the earth, goodwill to men From heavens all gracious King!" The world in solemn stillness lay To hear the angels sing.

Still through the cloven skies they come, With peaceful wings unfurled; And still their heavenly music floats O'er all the weary world: Above its sad and lowly plains They bend on hovering wing, And ever o'er its Babel sounds The blessed angels sing.

O ye beneath life's crushing load, Whose forms are bending low, Who toil along the climbing way With painful steps and slow; Look now, for glad and golden hours Come swiftly on the wing; Oh rest beside the weary road And hear the angels sing.

For lo! the days are hastening on, By prophets seen of old, When with the ever-circling years Shall come the time foretold, When the new heaven and earth shall own The Prince of Peace, their King, And the whole world send back the song Which now the angels sing.
God did a special thing when Jesus was born. He sent the angels to touch the earth with the historic message. This hymn makes me think about God wrapping peace itself into the wings of the angels, just to be unwrapped throughout the ages, in Christ. That Writer amazingly captured the ageold war against war. Jesus is the peace. They are still singing about it and so are we.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Helen went all out, yesterday...

I said, Helen, why all the tumult, in the sky. She grabbed me by the shoulders and put me in my place. I want you here in the choir, she said. It is a concert and I am the directress of the choir. Just, shut up and sing. So, I just listen, when Helen, gets like that.

She had her arms outstretched and she was waving them and loads of angels were dancing around, like nobody's business. I saw wings falling and swirling all around and it was definitely something that I hadn't seen before, up there.

Monday, December 1, 2014

The Halleluia Angel always shows me who's on cloud duty and then...

The translation of yesterday's morning sky had me at the edge of my seat to get to church. What is God going to say to us that He has set up the skyline so beautifully. It wasn't quite like the multilevel curtains that were raised when Joni came to speak to us. It was a straight line of clouds as far around as we could see, until we got to the city and to the right of us there was a clear and curvy path set out. I saw this as the angel's raising the horizon line for us. We are raising the standard, I do hope you can keep up, the angel tells me when they raise the bar as they often do. I know I can't keep up, I wasn't raised with reflexes to praise. I simply can't make that my first response, no matter how I try. Praise is always what I do, after I say the bad response first. These people were raised with worship and praise in their earliest remembrances. My earliest remembrances are always to nitpick. I catch myself
She said it again to me, did He wake you up this morning and I gave the right response, this time, "Halleluia!" She said, look how long it took you to pass that test after, how many clinics about your spiritual reflexes. Will the children pass the next round?
That worries me a bit. Is the horizon line for them or for us who are developing their reflexes?
Now, dishes and the closet floor, again? When will you be done? "Halleluia?" Wrong answer!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

This time, the angels were arguing about why do I get credit for reading the Bible, when I make the "machine" do it for me?

They are not allowed to accuse, the brethren, unless they are demons, but this was a legitimate question of theirs. I saw them standing around my little rock column and they were taking one out for the missed day. They expected the whole thing to fall down. We were all surprised that it stood soundly. Consistency in Bible reading is not the rock on that column, the soul's exposure to that reading is the little rock that they put in or take out of the column. Many things degrade a culture, but Bible reading and exposure to the word of God are little pebbles in the small column that holds the culture up another level or down, should it collapse. They kept flying around the structure, trying to see what held it up...I still can't believe that it didn't fall down when we had to take that pebble out for her flagrant disregard for the word, on a day. You get a bigger stone, if your reading has gone through the entire scripture in any of the years. I do hope I get my increase when New Years comes. We'll see.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Helen said, look at my crocheted chain, cloud.

She is so often about her other responsibilities, that the ladies who design the cloud completions with different intricacies don't see her there.

It seems that it is Helen's job to synchronize the audio trumpet with the visual trumpet, blast for the spiritually impaired. She is always showing me trumpet blasts here and there, on the horizon. She has the loud trumpet and then the individual lines of the parts of the trumpet blast are always hers to show me, along with sign language hands and braille marks, all over the place.

Today we went to another level, she was allowed to make a chain of crochet to show me that she could sympathize with my labor for my mommy. She said, let's not eat this chain, okay? I had to laugh!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Inheriting, riding, hitting, living, flying, Against the Wind!

Nobody in the world knows how to handle hitting a ball on a windy day like Bjorn Borg! I will never forget the first time I saw his wondrous unorthodox style. Everybody else in the world was hitting uselessly on this windy day. Only one man's roundhouse style had great effect to keep the ball where he wanted it on such a day.

How does he have such control on such a windy day? Grandpa, Bud Collins, Rod Laver and all of the greats had the same conclusion. His practice against the wind had paid off on this windy day. He had dominion against the wind! No one could beat him wrestling the wind into subjection to his forhand and backhand. The otherwise contrary wind was a tool against his opponent and seemed to wrap around his ball for his own good purpose, to beat his opponent. That he did!

What happens when the wind is contrary and you have to hit against it?

inherit the wind Pr 11
will or Will of the wind? {thankful for both2015}will the wind wind or is the wind willing? puns from the Logarithms

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Heidi Church sees the Grandmother Church blinded and implores for healing and light!

Grandmother Church is stuck in the subway of sadness!, Grandfather! She cannot see her way and she is afraid for her assurance. She is afraid that her life will be snuffed out, because the "church" is creaking and squawking with false doctrine and loveless preaching. Grandfather, You can give her light and you can heal her pain and you can make the shingles stop squeaking around her. You can make her know that she is loved by you. Our wicked gossip has often crushed the spirit of many and blinded our eyes. Our tongues of whisperings have kept many from coming to church at all. If she sits inside the church of the grandmother church, it does seem that it may fall in with her inside. See her fears, Grandfather. see her sadness, Grandfather. See her pain Grandfather. Fix the shingles and make her a true and living "Grandmother Church".

Monday, November 3, 2014

a kiss is just a kiss!

Smoochiepoos! We always do that in my family and I miss my dear Addy-Grace, who would probably be the one that I would smooch up and little "Scarlet-baby". They are up north and I am down south and stuck watching videos of the doted greats. They are adorable, in the meantime, I can adopt little smoochie ones to grab and kiss like my nieces. I love it.

We have some of the sweetest ladies at our churches, here. They love eachother and sing for God's glory with love and humility, before the Lord. I see them as the picture of the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace. If we spend too much time with eachother we will start complaining about these "wonderful"children and husbands we've been blessed with. If we just kiss, we can know I can't really talk about "IT"{these heavy burdens} But, I know that you will pray! {They are driving me crazy, but I know that you will pray for me.} That is the only thing holding us together, this side of heaven. XXXXXXXXXXXXX

Don't say another word, I will pray too! When we get to heaven we will see how many of the smooches went right to God's ears in prayer!

113-14 Is today my address?

November 3rd 2014, Is that my address?

Where do you live? 113th Ave.

Did we always live on November 3rd? I remember that number always being my location finder in my mind

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Since we moved here, the angels have been on my case about my closet floor!

I am sure that I will never know the reason that those angels have such a caniption about my closet floor. They badgered and reminded and tried a heavenly tutorial about the importance of keeping your closet floors clear. It seems that they are a spiritual fire hazard.

Well, they are most pleased with Ben for having cleared their path, in such a drastic way. He took every cumberance out of that closet and left me with bare floors. Since then, I have cluttered it some in my unduly way, but for the most part it is manageable.

It seems that the angels, just expect that a Chrisian home will have a closet with a connection directly to the Father's ears. So they camp out there to see what of the will of God that they can learn from the interaction between God and His people. Why don't you use your closet? We have to run all over your house to find what God is telling us to do? They drew pictures of a well ordered closet and they showed me dark wings on the floor of the closet and brighter wings on the hangers. "Cleanliness is next to godliness?" woven into the fabric of the sky everyday. It's a bit snug in there, for my taste in prayer. That is no excuse for a cluttered closet floor, by no means, but it is my reason for not spending much time in there.

God knows my heart and He will and does meet me wherever I call out to Him in the house, out loud or in my heart. But, it took 3 or 4 years for the angels to find out that I meet with God in the living-room. That is my prayer closet. I thought that the laundry room would be the place. But the windows to the backyard and the birdfeeder with the sparrows and others who enjoy the sumptuous fare makes my heart cry out in gratitude to God, more than my closet. Am I being disobedient to the injunction "Enter into your closet, and you Father who sees in secret..."? I have seen Him see me in secret, openly, and openly in secret.

Yesterday, they showed me the trumpet blast in the sky again and this time it was more intricate. As though, the round part of the blast was concave and the lines out from the blast were more multidimensional. That's how I know that it was the angel's painting and not Helen. Helen, just shows the outside silhouette of the blast, so to speak and not the intricate details. The stair paintings and the intricacies of the blasts are the angel's reminders that Jesus is coming. I know, He's coming and we must get ready. It is a heart readiness and it is amazing that the blast that is in the sky for all to see is in secret, even though it is openly. I guess God deals with us openly secret, like in my living-room. Everybody could see and yet everybody may see and might not see.

I know that the angels aren't really worried about my closet, ultimately. It is just a conversation about something that we can both relate to. You clean a lot of other things, but your closet is a mess. Yes, it is a mess and I will get to it! Ben got to it, hooray for him!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

I am so sorry that Peter Rabbit is shy

Yesterday we had 2 dear little fellows come by the house and I was ashamed that Peter wouldn't even darken the door of the house to greet them. He might have been afraid of the decorations that were around because of Halloween being nearly upon us.

I know that Peter loves Halloween and he usually loves to come out when little boys are here.{At least, he used to love to come out when my boys were little} But yesterday, Peter declined to come out and introduce himself. It kind of makes me think that those boys are very safe. It is my experience that Peter comes out to tell us how to behave when we go to the hospital. Those boys are healthy as horses, so they probably didn't need the tutorial, like I did. They would've enjoyed seeing him act it out for them anyway.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Guilty! It was my idea!

I said, "Bobby, let's clone St. Patrick!" He said "Of all of the most outlandish ideas that I have ever heard..." I said, of all of the saints we studied here, he has the best overall track record. Let's clone him. Clone him? Bobby said with his mouth open. I said it is easy. We will get all the Irish people to spit into the same test tube and we will boil it and I am sure that St. Patrick will materialize. I am against it he said vehemently, still he had to go along because I was so persuasive. What makes you think that boiled Irish spit will make St. Patrick come to us and what do we want him here for? We need a revival, you and I agree on that now come on, you get your guys to spit into the test tube and I'll get mine and we will see what happens.

Needless to say, St. Patrick didn't come out of the pot, but we sure did make a ruckus.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Don Quijote{there is a friend a friend who stinks?}

I think that Miguel Cervantes' use of his grief of tremendous loss of so much of his abilities. There were so many losses that he endured that the greatest of his meditations was that if his soul was intact in heaven, he would be truly grateful. His meditation of the deceptions of his Spanish Inquisition generation and the possibility that souls were catapulting themselves into hell from a great religious fervor and those from superstitious great uncaring souls who couldn't even stomach the thought that there could be a good God in heaven, because of their situation of forsakenness, or as it seemed to them.

In the movie the first scene is the awaiting of a trial of judgment and people in a dark and wicked dungeon. I think that this is a good interpretation of the preface of the book. Our current generation minds cannot fathom the depths of darkness of the time of the Spanish Inquisition and how a book such as this, with real and loving hope that people might be won from their deceptions into true and wonderful salvation, could have landed the writer into the dungeon for it's heretical implications. We cannot fathom such a thing. It is true, though. I think that they were merciful to his state of physical infirmity and thus took his desire to win them as a sort of court jest. He wrote this in such a way. I believe that Cervantes addresses the powers that be and drew them all into the reality that we are all poor pilgrims upon the earth awaiting death and the judgment. The question is, are those who take their soul's condition as a serious thing, fools or doctors of our culture? His questioning this thought has influenced our "common grace" to this day.

Although the scene of the dungeon is an intrusion from a modern translation, I think it useful to orient us to the day that Cervantes was addressing. His eye was ever on "That Day" and the "Eternal Judgment". God allowed him that hearing from his "Felix" and I believe that we owe some semblance of our common betterment to his mighty wielding of his wonderful pen! Please don't miss its benefits to our day.

I simply cannot tell if he knew that he was beautifying the Church.

Still there is an ever burning question, does Don Quijote love right or cheese?

Sunday, September 14, 2014

the Wise or the Y's

The Halleluia Angel left on Friday. She was with me all the way until Y street came to Wise Avenue. I do know why. It was faster than a blink and that is the practice that happens in the churches where I still haven't won on that battle. Did He wake you up this morning? the answer is not Why, it is Halleluia! So I was left, right there. Alone. No uncle there on that silent question. No huge choir of singing sure ones to guide my feet alone in my why.
Jesus certainly doesn't leave you alone on Why and Wise, but the congregation and the angels cannot help you when you get there. One day, I will be able to say Halleluia to that question, but for now, it is me and Jesus walking in the darkness of WHY.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Mother Day said this season of prayer is about unsaved loved ones...

She said that Father Day's soul was so heavy with covetousness that she is somewhat sorry that she didn't pray more fervently than she did, when she was on earth. Now, it is her job to impress the importance of fervent intelligent, soul-winning, not just prayer, but envisioning and inclusive interaction with the souls about us.

Some people just pray, but, she who wins souls and mothers them into heaven is not one who sits in her chair waiting for the prodigal, but the mother who will turn stones over to rescue and hold her wayward loved one into heaven. They should be more sorry for your being sorry that they are not living holy. She said she learned that from Ethel Waters. She told those children that she would be looking for them in heaven when she gets there and not one of those souls are lost. They have her impression on their minds, turning over stones in heaven that not one of them is lost. That is motherhood. It is hard, but they must see your expectation of their redemption, at last. None of this "let go and let God" for your children and husband's souls. SOS is just that!

We are members of one another, of His flesh and of His bones. We are bound in the New Testament, by the church. If the church is going down then we are going down. If the church in our generation is going up then we are going up.

Julius Ceasar's rhetoric that "We are not going down, we are going up!" may convince of the direction of a boat or a vessel, but the souls of our generation are not won by fancy rhetoric and convincing speeches. We must be the mothers that God called us to be. That is the winsomeness of the generation. When the moon is blood in the NYT time of the world, motherhood is despised and the souls are breaking chains that bind us together, in the name of individuality. Bind us together, Lord, should be our prayer. Draw us close to Yourself in Your likeness in Your church for Your glory, until we all come to the unity of the faith. Growing up into Christ in "all things". This begins at home and then in church and then in community. God help us to envisioned being unbanned from the Gold of Heavenly Fellowship. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

They are just not going to leave me alone until I write about the beautiful curtains that adorned the skies that we had to drive through to get to Joni!

Yesterday was a beautiful sky, but still nothing like the one when Joni came to talk to us. I had to pray, Lord, we are looking to You. We are all tempted to worship her, because of the obvious nearness of her testimony to Your heart. We wouldn't shame her testimony by doing that. We are coming, to see and to hear what You have spoken into her heart for our benefit. The sky was better and more anticipatory than any Broadway show could be.

You New Yorkers are hard to impress, the sky was saying. The sky is certainly more beautiful. Can you feel the pangs of homesickness, even if you rarely go to Broadway, with a show off sky, like we have? I must say. The clouds gathered around the sunset and sent beams in every direction and the circle was aiming toward the city as we drove. Then there was a group of dark rain clouds behind it that we had to drive through with their dark beams pointing toward "Central" as well. and then beams of light came out upon us as we drove through a shower here and a sunbeam there. What is she going to say? Fear rose in my heart to think of what God could be saying to us. It was so very dramatic. I truly felt sorry for thinking of missing this event. I felt so sorry for all of my sins as we were driving and fearful of the level that God was clearly growing us to.

Do you know what the message was? God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life. Whatever your condition, God can use you. You don't have to feel sorry for yourself, because you don't know God like Joni. You don't have to feel sorry because all is well with your life. God wants to love you and draw you to Himself.

I darted through the raindrops and had to look back at the curtains of sky that was our drive to the event. I didn't want to let go of the curtains. They poured out torrents upon the building and it was as though the angels were giving an ovation for her, before she started. All I could do was bow my head. They didn't stop, until she stopped talking. You people better appreciate how special a woman you have there with you. All of heaven agreed on that part. She doesn't glorify her condition or her service. She shines like a sunbeam for Jesus and gives Him the glory. That is all we can do. Let us grow in the unity of the spirit and the bond of peace as a result of her testimony. That is God's marching order from her and all of the angels of the Lord, seemed to stand behind her trying to read over her shoulder. {I want to know how she does it? they said} They had the clipboard and they are following suit. Let's shine for Jesus and do His bidding, without murmuring or complaining! We don't worship her, but we see God's great and mighty work in her heart because of what God is doing through her. Heaven and earth stand in awe of the greatness of God's work!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

This morning, it seemed that God was in urgency to show off the "Healing In His Wings" Theme in the sky!

The stars were twinkling with much expectancy. What are you twinkling about so loudly was the question that they impressed in my heart? Have we got a show for you today? God is so much more intendant upon health than even you are toward Emily. All I could do was grunt at the truth of that. I was too tired from attending to the sickly grown woman that is my dear daughter.

He has got something planned for your skyline again today. God is always attentive to me and I am very grateful. I went about my day, only half anticipating the "really big show". The next I looked the clouds had rolled in and they were the real picture of the half wing of the "Hypocratic oath symbol". God is so great to remind me that He is love and He is healing. I am grateful for every reminder, when I am tempted to complain about the aches and infections that arise every now and again. I do applaud the wonderful show that I got. Don't miss such shows looking to or at some device for your direction.

I will look unto the hills...

Thank you stars for reminding me of our great creator's great show. Our Heavenly Father's loving consistent devotion to grow us into those who are working toward the health and welfare of the people in our care. Fighting sickness and disease and fighting antagonisms are the theme of my season.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The ponds on both sides of the schools are sweet coffee clatches for the angels.

I noticed it from when we first moved here. Do these people have all of the angels on dispatch, was my question?

Evvie and I were only half joking when we went to the dance in 6th grade. The angels met us on the way to the dance and showed us where their shindig is.

This morning, as usual, they were commiserating about their inability to fight as they want to. I could concur. If there is anything the angels and I love about eachother is that we both love to fight. That is all they do is fight and drink coffee together. I imagine that it is coffee, because that is what I am doing when I see them, drinking my morning coffee.

This morning, they showed me the wall. I couldn't see it before. I always wanted to know what they talk about, day after day after day, in the same place. Today it was the wall. I didn't know there was a wall there. Look, they said together. I never see their faces, so I don't really know one from the other, just that they sit on the little clouds above the pond and grumble about so many Christian children learning outside of the realms of blessing. I see their legs and feet and the bottom of their wings hitting the water. We can't knock it down, they told me. Christians, only can knock down the wall of "God's dismissal". When we dismiss God, we dismiss the angels of blessing. They had arrows with fire and shot them at the wall to show me. The fiery arrow, just fizzled into nothing against that very flimsy looking wall. We might as well shoot our arrows into the pond, as much as shooting them at the wall. We can't do anything, so we sit here waiting for the dispatch to assist those children when they get out of school.

Christians have dismissed God from school and we are the messengers and the protectors of these children, our hands are tied. I pray that they are dispatched and invited into the school to protect and engage our children with blessing.

The ponds on both sides of the schools are sweet coffee clatches for the angels.

I noticed it from when we first moved here. Do these people have all of the angels on dispatch, was my question?

Evvie and I were only half joking when we went to the dance in 6th grade. The angels met us on the way to the dance and showed us where their shindig is.

This morning, as usual they were commiserating about their inability to fight as they want to. I could concur. If there is anything the angels and I love about eachother is that we both love to fight. That is all they do is fight and drink coffee together. I imagine that it is coffee, because that is what I am doing when I see them.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Is it safe or out to be late for church, talking on contraption to one's sister?

What an amazing debate the heaven's had over that issue? Some hands said safe, some said out. You will need that fellowship. You are missing out. Sure enough the final analysis was a significant "out!" You will always lose if you put God second, no matter who or what. Okay, I will accept the call!

I came downstairs first thing and the uncles were enraptured in a tremendously deep game of chess. What are you doing here today? I asked. Like their female counterparts, they gave me that look of consternation that I would have the temerity to ask such a question of them. Helen was, as usual trapsing around like a ballerina and a new face had come to join the tumult. A bold and brash woman walking back and forth looking for a spinning wheel. What have you given up spinning, she said? Where is it? I had no idea who this bold, Barbara Stanwyck type woman was until she sat at my computer and a spinning wheel appeared where my computer had been. I wanted to drop to my knees in near worship. Louisa? I asked. I said have you stopped spinning? You have such a new fangled spinning wheel and you feel that you can take days and weeks off your spinning. By the time she had finished telling me that, she had spun a spool off to give me and threads were going through my lattices every which way into the sky and down into the earth. She is such an experienced heavenly "spinster" that I have even a greater respect than I had had before. Poof! She was gone. The uncles and Helen, too. It is time to start your day.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Helen had to get the angels to carry the car all the way home from Chowan! Evvie is not in the car?

Helen, I didn't know that you had an in with the angels like that? She laughed to think that could be the case. You know God ordered this, was her response. They had a cloud video including the parts of prayer that are being answered in this trip and where they were prayed. First, there was a rainbow, set at half-staff to let us know that God loves us and has a wonderful plan for our lives. This is part of a divine plan and you will soon see the outworking of God's good pleasure in separating her for a while. We believe that in our hearts, but we are experiencing parental separation anxiety, still. I hate looking at those memories in the clouds, when they play it. Grandma made the curtain and knew just how to catch my attention with scallops on the curtain, not on the bottom, but on the top.

After the scallops, it was a large dark cloud with my whole body silhouette and each part of the body was animated to show the quietness of prayer to God for this day. The hands in prayer and my body laying on my back, the hands turned into a horse and touched my nose to wipe the tears of dishdoing...{why would I cry about doing dishes, that's the part that was saddening} I hear those silent prayers was the end-point of the cloud video, among other poignant charges and instructions. Oh dear, I didn't bring my notebook to take the notes from this sermon, I said. You will remember, said Helen.

I know exactly where I was, when they painted that silhouette. God sees all and hears every prayer. He has an individual plan for each child and each similitude of the child to another. We can let go of some parts of the relationship to take hold of the new parts of the relationship that God has for us in parenting.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Hettie cow was waiting for me in tears, at the pond!

I was so touched by her comradery. She said, this is just like the day my baby was sold off the farm. I said, not really, Hettie, but tell me about it anyway. She turned her back to me, to wipe her tears. It is a real part of the cow culture not to cry, unless the person they are counseling is crying. She saw I was okay, so she wiped her tears and turned to me with a clear and sunny disposition.

I didn't mean to impose my imagination into your college season. The geese have been warning everyone about "Mommy's letting go season". Everybody knows how completely connected you are with your children. They are trying to comfort you. I, for one am glad to know that you are doing well about this process. Don't worry, if you cry. Mommy's all cry at these seasons.

Thank you, Hettie. I appreciate your consideration and empathetic tears. I will talk to you again, when we get home.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Color Coordinated Canary?

Doesn't this faded sunflower make my color look prettier? The little show-off came to show her color over the humble grey sparrows. Nutmeg wasn't at all impressed by canary's showiness this morning. I thought she was talking to me and Nutmeg. Come to find out that she was not even aware of us. Her beau was on the roof of the adjacent house and she was showing off for him.

When I came home, I saw them polly-wolly-doodling up into the air.

The sparrows have taken it as their job to humble miss canary and help her to know that showing off is not a bird's nature. It may not be a humble sparrow's nature to show off, but turns out it is a canary and a bluejay's nature, at least to show off as much as possible.

What has she got to show off about? She has her lovely color to show off, I said. Do you think yellow is a better color than grey, asked Nutmeg of me, genuinely? Well, I had to think fast, so as not to offend my dear friend. I don't think it's better, just a bit brighter, don't you think? God said we should be humble, she returned swiftly. I know, I said back to her. Humble doesn't predispose us not to be pleased at our good points. Just like your curiosity and the beauty of your little spray dance, was what drew us together as friends, sometimes that little distinction of difference can draw sparrows and canaries to enjoy the differences between birds. Canaries and Sparrows can worship God as friends and not competitors. I don't think God's eye is not on the canary, just because his eye is on the sparrow. He loves us all, doesn't He? Just because you are mentioned as diminiutive and recognizable, by God, doesn't mean that He doesn't notice the other birds as well.

We laughed hard at the pride that thought gave us in our condition. Thank God, He is merciful to His erring creatures. Right?

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Looking up for the heavenly plays in the sky

For days, it has been overcast and somewhat to very stormy. Darkened skies are no real mirror into the soul, necessarily. If sunshine is in my soul, I can say to my soul, why are you cast down? I have just gotten used to the beauty of the covered sky and gotten to see the showers of blessings reflected in them when I looked out this morning expecting to see some small graffiti covering my blue skyline. Surprise, Brother Marius is back on duty, after ever so long.

I missed you, Brother Marius. I thought it so very providential that he was my health teacher, in summerschool. How stupid do you have to be to fail health? Stupid enough to get a grade on your notebook and whether or not you doodle here and there and anywhere. Truly "nonsense" was his dearest contribution to my completed high school education. "Nothing between my soul and my Savior" was the call of the day through his dear remembrance and the wonder of the St. Francis Prep traverse. I am ever so grateful for his kind and grumpy attendance to my sweet summer in the hands of St. Francis Prep.

It is a New York mindset that can see human providences in the graffiti that distresses you in your commute and the silence of the cloudless sky, in similitude.

It is my opinion that Nothing Between is Brother Marius' favorite hymn and he jumped to the head of the line on cloud duty to let me know this. :)

Monday, August 11, 2014

We passed a Sunflower patch and I cried on Uncle's shoulder, so hard that we had to sit down.

I needed those, Halleluias, Uncle, I came here to get them and I don't know how many I just lost, pulling them out of my pocket. Whatever am I going to do?
Uncle just quietly consoled me, even he didn't know what to say. I didn't know you were going to get so upset about the loss of the Halleluias, was his only reply, after he waited for me to calm down some. We got up and started to pick up the pace, to make up the time, we had lost crying.
If you don't watch it, he sternly warned, you will not make it to Glad Adoration, in one piece. That was a real slap in the face. I knew that I didn't want to go to Glad Adoration in more than one piece, so I really tried to pull myself together.
All ye who hear, Brothers and sisters, draw near;
All that hath life and breath, come now with praises before Him!
We were getting close to "For Aye" and there was a huge number of people bottlenecking on the road. Uncle said that this is the junction where "All ye who hear" and "All that hath life" and breath come together. What huge traffic and I saw the angels overhead trying to build congregations to suit the large numbers of people from different cultures who were coming to the same place at the same time. They would come down and look people in the face, here and there and then fly up above us to talk about what they would have to do to make this and that different group of people meet on an area of agreement. These are similar in this way and different in this way, they would say. We will have to blind them to this aspect of their differences for a while, until they get mature enough to know their Christian duties, if we are going to accommodate them all in this small road portion. It broadens out, once we get to Aye, but along this course, there is sure to be a lot of conflict. Two of them were sent higher to get some "Blessed salve" for the damages that were sure to happen in the close quarters. Families were close to the center and on the outside were the solitary. Every once in a while the angels would lift a solitary one and just drop them in the middle of this and that family. It was adorable.
Uncle, are all of these people going to "Glad Adoration"? YYupp! was his terse reply. Many a solitary get stuck on the fence on either side of the road at this point and they stay there for a long time, before the angels loose them and drop them in the center, so that they can make progress.
The angels had a hymn list that they stuck to very closely. They had very little tolerance for changes in this close proximity. Patience was about them, but they were very diligent about keeping the group moving at a good pace.

Friday, August 8, 2014

I had forgotten that I had so many Halleluias in my pocket...

It suddenly occurred to me that I might have dropped a couple of them unwittingly. I took some of them out of my pocket to count them and they flew up right out of my hand. Don't do that, said Uncle. Put those withdrawals back in your pocket; they will find their way back into the bank, if you don't. Oh dear, I was disappointed at the loss of a couple of Halleluias, but I knew that I would see them again.

I had always thought that the sacrifice of praise and the glad adoration were the same weight. Glad adoration is weighty and sacrificial praise swiftly rise. I am glad that I didn't have to go to glad adoration bank or I couldn't have even carried one of those halleluia's home. That is the amazing thing about praises, said Uncle, You carry them or they carry you, either way, you are still moving heavenbound, eh? I didn't really know what that meant, but I would find that out in a little while.

Uncle wanted me to tell him about the sad adoration pool that I had spent so much time in. I told him how tired I had gotten and how they were so patient with my inability and smallness. He said angels are great at building people up. He said that he hadn't met any that were abrupt, but they all seem to have all the time in the world. We laughed when we thought about that reality. I guess they do have all the time in the world to oversee, this way or that?

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Marvelous Wisdom Ridge!

Praise ye the Lord, who with marvelous wisdom hath made thee! Decked thee with health, and with loving hand guided and stayed thee; How oft in grief Hath not He brought thee relief, Spreading His wings for to shade thee!
We had to walk along the "Marvelous Wisdom Ridge". It was a long street that went along a side of a very deep hill. The views from there were marvelous. We could see a long way around from that street, but it seemed like a short walk because of the beauty of the view of the entire city that was below it. All of the other streets led into Marvelous Wisdom Ridge. We passed all of the streets that we had walked on as we were walking on Marvelous Wisdom Ridge. How could that be, Uncle? Are we going in a circle? No, said Uncle our guide said there is no way to get to "Glad Adoration" without walking along Marvelous Wisdom. It didn't seem right to me that the streets all led into that one street.

We went passed a Church and there was singing and millions of Halleluias wafted through the air and we saw them visually swirling into the sky in a rainbow.

You got eyes to see, Halleluia! You got ears to hear, Halleluia! etc.
Souls were being carried up to heavenly heights on these Halleluias. Uncle and I looked at eachother and this sight made us the most awestruck than we had been. The sights were glorious. What color Halleluia is that, Uncle?

"Do You Know, Way" was right below where we were.

Wow, Uncle, if we walk through all the questions, the answers are on the low point of the ridge. Did you notice that?

The church carried people above the questions and took them right to Heaven from the question neighborhood. I thought that was really great. I knew that those questions had made me so sleepy that I could have fallen in the question neighborhood. Uncle said that church is part of the wings of God's spreading. I never thought of it that way. Thanks Uncle. We had a long way to go out of the questions to get to "Do You Know, Way". I hope I don't fall, here, Uncle. I got you, he assured me. I felt comforted, but not any stronger.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Granted in What He Ordaineth?

Praise ye the Lord, who o'er all things so wondrously reigneth, Shelters thee under His wings, yea, so gently sustaineth! Hast thou not seen How thy desires e'er have been Granted in what He ordaineth?
Years of crying about what He Ordaineth? Why suffering is there in this world, Lord? Why my baby? How can people say "Have you not seen???etc." The street signs on sad "Halleluia" Blvd. had all of my questions and some that I hadn't thought of. I had to lay down and take another nap when I got to some of the questions that I hadn't thought of. so many people bringing the sacrifice of praise with these questions in their minds. Uncle woke me up off of the ground where I had lain. He said don't stay here it is a bad neighborhood. Keep walking!

Uncle stopped someone to ask directions. He said, We are headed to "Glad Adoration" is it close or far from here. It took the fellow about 10 minutes to tell us the directions, it didn't seem close and I got a little afraid that we wouldn't get out of that dark neighborhood of sorrowful praise. Uncle was more chipper than he had been before this. It's just a short ways from here, but there are a lot of twists and turns. Okay, I said.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Setting my feet on Happy, Halleluia Blvd.

Praise ye the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation! O my soul, praise Him, for He is thy health and salvation! All ye who hear, Brothers and sisters, draw near; Praise Him in glad adoration!
Learn to praise Him in "Glad Adoration". said the Halleluia Angel. I have to let you go now. You were swimming in sad adoration pool because those are the Halleluias that you have access to. I reentered the envelope and the revolving door and Uncle carried me home. I was trying to remember everything that I was told. I found the truths housed in the Praise Ye hymn. So, I kept singing it, to try to keep the words in my heart.

You won't need to memorize it. The Holy Spirit will teach it to you through providential praise. So stop repeating and listen to me.

Monday, August 4, 2014

On the road back from Heaven, Uncle showed me the "Halleluia Bank".

He said, I can't go in there, cause you got to have a certain investment amount and his didn't meet the minimum. He said, You can, though. I'm still saving up my Halleluias. I said with a tremendous excitement for being able to get in; Thanks Unc. for showing me this, I'm going in right now!

You can't just go in, you know an envelope shaped Halleluia comes to take you in. You have to shrink to the size of your investment. I was shrunk to a little and very narrow person. Almost see through in thickness, just like a piece of paper. I slipped myself into the envelope and I couldn't see Uncle anymore. We flew into the building and I felt strengthened in an instant.

This is highly unusual, said the angel who let me out of the envelope elevator. You are entirely too thin to be here. What can we do for you? I don't have enough halleluias and I need to make a withdrawal. I guarantee you that we can put meat on your transparency in halleluias. She said, halleluia is the highest praise that we can give to God and each time that we are praising, we are not adding one thing to him we are laying up treasures in heaven. I heard that before somewhere, I said. But, I'm not sure that I believed it like I do now. She said you are transparent here because your tears are outnumbering your halleluias, so you are nearly a vapor of praise in this place and I am surprised that you could stand the change in constitution to get into this place. I promise you, that we will grow your halleluias so that when you get here or the new heaven and earth happen, we never know which it will be first, or who from your earth will translate to or from new to old. I know, I said. {I didn't really know, I just said that to say something} I think I was in shock at the information that she was sharing. It was very quiet, there. Where are the halleluias, I asked? She said, we have many different kinds that you can see. Different kinds? Surely, we have an infinite amount of kinds of halleluias. Your account is filled with "sacrifice of" Halleluias. Don't you know how to praise when you are really happy? You have a few, but that is why you are nearly completely vaporized in this room.

When you get to heaven in your time, I do hope you will have started to praise God in real and fullness of joy. I said I came here to get some halleluias out of the bank. I know and you really need them. You are low, look how short you are. I looked in the mirror and I was really only one inch tall. The angel had condescended to my lowliness. She wrote me a prescription of one dose of Mississippi Mass every day as directed by your Halleluia Angel.

She opened a drawer and we jumped in and it was a pool of Hallelias. We swam and rejoiced in great measure, till I was tired and I had to sleep. She said, It really does take something out of you, if you are not used to it, for humans there are so many deceptions from praise. I better get in halleluia shape, hadn't I, I said. You need a nap. I laid on the couches next to the pool and fell fast asleep. They started fanning me. Shaking their heads at me, they said, the Lord is really doing a work on her. I just rolled over and fell back to sleep.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Emma said "He's here! come outside!"

I am so grateful for that dear creature who is our dog. She is so intune with my emotions and the realms around. It was foggy, the other morning. Ordinarily, the fog would find her and me seeking cover for the fear of lightning and thunder's loud noise. Not that morning. We both knew that this was a curtain of closing of a chapter. I know you can't walk well mommy, but uncle is here. Come outside to sit with him.

Emma didn't meet Uncle in this world, but when he came to visit us on the sundry visits, she has always been in the conversation. I am not always in tune with what is going on around the outside of the house with the bustle of things when the children are home. Emma has the ability to tune out the noises and categorize them for me. Sometimes she says to the children shut up and listen to mommy. Sometimes she says to me, shut up and listen to God. It is amazing how sheepdogs hear.

The original agreement happened when uncle was alive. He came to visit me in my worst condition after Ez was born. He made me come into the sunshine. He looked me right in the eye. He stared at me hard and said I am Uncle Charles. I know who you are uncle. He was saying, I really can't tell how much you can understand of what I am saying in your emotional state. I will look into this problem with the depth of my being and to my last breath. I am angry, he said in his stare. I will meet you right here, when I am done with this case. On a day that the carpenter ants invade your outside house. If you kill them all and get the pot clean, I will be right there and I will meet you there. I had no house with carpenter ants in the pots. But it happened just like he said it would. The carpenter ants came to invade and God sent Chuck Swindoll to preach about ridding yourself of them, to remind me of what Uncle had said. Don't miss this, Swindoll reminded. Uncle said... Sure enough when the boiling and chemical mess was completed and those pots were clear of the ants, Uncle came to visit. He came inside only one time and that was the first weekend after he past away. He smacked Ezra on the rear in his sleep and the poor baby was crying hard at the smack. He ran to me. Somebody spanked me, he was crying. I said uncle said if you ever drink Whiskey again, like I gave you, worse than this will be the result, do you hear me. We hear you uncle. Poor Uncle had been through war and much sadness and thus his wrestling with Whiskey began. We knew this was something that made him the peaceloving man he had always been. We all loved him, but I never really felt that I had any more of a relationship with him than any of the other children.

Well, everytime they come and go they give me hints at when they will be back. I never really know what they are talking about, but they say stuff like, when you get to the willow tree in this or that place that I have never seen or heard of, I will be on the right of the pugdog statue. Uncle, would you give me some idea of the year or date of place. They don't count things in dates and such but where you are and what you are doing is how they mark it to me. You'll be finished with this work or that. You'll be in the aisle after you played that on the guitar. I don't play the guitar, Uncle. You will. I do, now.

Helen never gives me any warning when she goes or comes, but Uncles always do. This trumpet blast and who has charge of what part of the trumpet blast is Helen's announcements. This blast points to that reality. Some writers have a thin line of blast and some have thicker lines of blast, etc. That is Helen's translation to me.

I know when we get to heaven we will understand it all. Now, we see through a glass darkly. I imagine that we will be enjoying what a sound that blast was, when it is all finished, but now, either the trumpeter is practicing and Helen is painting the image of the practice blasts in the clouds through many painters and animators. She seems like the "Disney" of heaven, to me. What a tremendous responsibility! I love that she shares so much with me.

Well, at any rate the curtain came down on the Robin themes. It is my job, now to compile the stories and get them ready for publication. The Other Uncle said there are some musical themes coming down the pike for me. He asked me did I see how they studied my dance. I told him I couldn't hear them or see them. Clean up, was his response.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Last night we had torrents.

The glaze over Mrs. Robin's eyes could have predicted it. She has been sitting on her eggs and when we went to cut the lawn she glared at us as though we were coming to gather the eggs to eat. { We come in peace, we tried to say.} Before the storm she was flying from pillar to post as if her calculations hadn't predicted such a fierceness of storm that was on the horizon. I wasn't very understanding of her dilemma until the rains came down. 5 minutes into our torrent and our corner was flooded. We have sewers, rightly placed and we are on an incline so it was some doing to flood the corner in 5 minutes. That was a lot of water. I haven't checked the nest this morning as to whether the eggs made it. I saw the glazed body of Mrs. Robin and she is still there, but the eggs might not have made it. If she was crazy yesterday because she knew this was coming, I can really identify with her pain.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Even the goats were clapping for my efforts...

I looked out my window and the cloud was sweeping away. It seemed my prayer partner, the angel that wakes me to pray in the morning was flying far away with a harp on her back. She was asking me what tune could comfort those grieving people in the Netherlands, who have lots of grievous work to do. I don't know, but I will pray about that hard and grievous process, this morning. The world is full of griefs and the angels don't know how to comfort the grieving mothers and neither do I. I know what scents and sights comforted me in my deepest valleys. Hyacinths and thoughts of a future where these griefs will be a past of another time and place, thoughts of the sweet by and by, where reconciliation with my dearly departed may give some solace, but the sting of death is sin and the grief of loss cannot be comforted with a bandaid. I am always close to tears when war and plane crashes fill the news. The morning gilded sky seemed crafted to carry my thoughts to the grieving ones in my heart during their difficult initial grief strickenness.

I am grateful that my baby came back safely and the goats were encouraging my cleaning efforts to celebrate my baby's safe return. Even the turtledoves were on separate wires for their moment of silence with the grief-stricken.
I think goats get a bad rap sometimes. They seem to praise the Lord, just like the rest of creation. I saw them, even though they are stubborn.
When we passed the little goats at the farm, on the way to the dump to drop off some of the junk we had gathered, there were 2 of them on top of their little house and they were clapping for me.

You did great mommy, they yelled as we passed. That porch was an eyesore. I knew it was and I was determined that Ezra would come home to a new porch, with real flowers and real seats. I got a small portion of it completed and it was remarkable that the goats had heard about it from the bird as quickly as they did. The grapevine around this place is very swift and the wildlife is so in touch with the people in their possession.

The cows always let me know that they have heard this or that gossip, but I thought that the goats were unconcerned about human goings on. They are not. They are very concerned about stuff like that. Where the trash goes is their arena. They really let me know that. Hoooray for you, mommy, one down, a hundred or so to go!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Withdrawal from my starlings, a week in...

When I was working, we would take a detour past the cows on Pitt School Rd. The interaction between the cows there and the starlings were really remarkable to me, having been converted from a city girl to a suburban, rural woman. My friend introduced me to the starlings and their harmonious dance in the sky. I love the way they swerve in and out of their lanes seemingly seamlessly.

I always think about the mental ability that it takes for people to move or sing or drive in conjunction with others. We always have to have loads and loads of rules and laws to keep us from bumping into eachother. They don't seem to have that problem. They soar, high and low and up and down with eachother and they don't bump into eachother or seem to complain about somebody stealing their lane in the sky. Just move over and don't complain, their flying reminds me.

Music and swimming and marching and running and family are similar to the way that the starlings flit and fly. We get so bent out of shape about the little things of somebody taking our note in a harmony or etc. I love the freedom of the starlings and the corporateness of their flight.

Our prayers in conjunction with oneanother is so much like that. I imagine God looking at our corporate church prayers as a beautiful thing in His sight. He notices that as families and churches we are agreeing about something. Even when we are not exactly right in our doctrine and words, our hearts are before our Lord and He says He loves our unity.

Monday, July 14, 2014

When Morning Gilds the Skies...

Somebody on cloud duty was privy to the Daily Bread readings...I think. Crown Him with many crowns was the theme. Maybe it was David on cloud duty. I never think of that. It was the perfect crown and huge with many, many points to it. I said Amen that is my prayer too. Reign, Lord Jesus today in my heart, in the sky and on the earth, in Jesus' Name, Amen!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

I know that Mrs Bluejay has a sharp side, but not so sharp as if you have broken a bone.

She has prodded and nudged me this way and that on many a day. Not like this morning. This morning she was positively livid.

You have been avoiding me, she yelled. You need to know that we are all very angry with you for breaking a bone. We do not do that and we are totally against the breaking of bones, do you hear me.

I didn't do it on purpose, I insisted. I hear that Mrs. Bunny suggested the alfalfa for you and you haven't been following her directions and that there are a great many more germs running rampant in your home that I'll not go into right now, on account of your weakened state.

Thank you for caring and not going any further, Mrs. Bluejay. I appreciate your candor and concern and will certainly take the alfalfa as directed by Mrs Bunny. I got in the car and went to work.

I do love the outspokenness of the Bluejays! You always know where you stand with them.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Mr. Bunny came and said, when you go to the hospital...

Don't forget to wash your face and eat your vegetables. I said, I am not scheduled to go to the hospital, I said. He just kept demonstrating how to wash my face, this way and that way at the hospital. You are going to need grass and Echinacea, my mommy said. I just kept it in my mind and had no intention of going to any hospital. I hate hospitals. I go out of my way to stay safe, for the most part.
Well anyway, Uncle Reggie said they were finished with my dance that he had stolen from me from Good Friday to Pentecost, for their study. What percent is in self, what percent is in the spirit and how do we lessen the self portion and increase the spirit portion of the spiritual dance? He kept asking me if I could see it. I told him I couldn't see it, so he had to describe the surgical procedure that they did. It wasn't painful when they took it, because we were laughing. He said that the only place he could've returned it was at the rink, because that was the place I was when the study was scheduled and he and unc were both still on earth at that time.
Uncle Charles thought he could handle the return procedure by himself and left him to it. He had no idea that it involved a slice and a break. He said Uncle Charles knows me much better than he does and certainly wouldn't have had to break a bone, but he's learning.
I felt my dance back and I was delighted to have it back in tact. I thought that they had taken it for good and that I would see it when I got there. Uncle said that because of the spike theory they had to tear skin and break a bone. It will heal, but I thought it more important for you not to wait that long for me to return it.
The angels at the building had sermon tanks and were showing me their litmus tests and studies of sermons significance and relevance and effectiveness in the spiritual battle of the day that they were preached. Some of the sermons for now are for the battle of 1700 and some of their sermons are relevant for us. Each of the Octagonal tanks were used and colorful and all to keep me spiritually busy while the just men made perfect were studying my dance during this celebration of Passion to Pentecost in Heaven.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Where are you, starlings?

Today, you should have seen them clapping their wings and flying at the same time. They were so proud of themselves. The group one was done their early mourning routine and I was looking and looking for group 2. Where are they, I wondered when we got to the light and, there they were. Swooping out of a tree to cross the street right in front of us as we were at the light. Did you like how we timed that one? They giggled, as they were on their way.

They are coordinated personally and as a group together. It takes so much to be of one mind, like that. Moving in syncapation and yet individually. Not a laggard in the bunch, I'd say. They swooped down, nearly touched the cars at the light and then swooped together over the light wire and were on their way back around to antagonize the cows, a little later on in the day. I was delighted that they know how much that tickles me. Their personality is so thoughtful and yet playful, that they antagonize the cows and entertain me at the same time.

What sweet providences!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

"Starlingette" City!

Those Starlings certainly own Pitts School Road, in that area. And they have a strict schedule, for sure. Today I passed and they were already, some of them resting from the early runs that they had made and some of them on the second lap of their day's runs. I was too late to see the fun of their morning to each irritate one of the cows, before they are awake enough to be unalarmed. Every morning they choose a target and come just close enough to her ear to make her jump as high as a cow can in the morning. They nearly choke on the mouthful of grass that they are working on at that moment. Each morning it is a new game, because they seem to forget that it happens every day. They all laugh over it after it is past, but when it happens it is the alarm of the cow's morning.

The angel’s love that song that the Gaither’s sing. They came down to tell me so, this morning. We hardly have as much fun as when that song is sung, it is such fun. They brought the whole wing closet down close for me to see this and that set of wings that they wear for this and that occasion. It is true that we don’t rejoice about those little things, but our closet doesn’t look like yours, they teased. They are always getting on me about the condition of my closet. That is our constant interaction. This is how we hang our wings here and there in the sky. I know, I know. It takes just a minute. I know! We were laughing about it in the “Vocative Mood”.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

I love taking the sidestreets to work. Just a little bit off the highway and the cows are delightfully gossiping over breakfast. The starlings were the topic this morning.

On Pitts School Road, it is the starling’s job to wake up the cows. They, of course, don’t think that the starlings are waking them up. They consider themselves already awake.

Wake up, the starlings dart from clatch to clatch, bidding good morning.

Why do they have to do that every morning? It is so irritating. The cows agreed.

What do the cows do, in the morning, the starling babies ask their mothers? They really don’t do much at all. That is why they need us to shake them up a bit in the morning to put some enthusiasm into their day. Oh they irritate eachother and enjoy eachother at the same time.

The starlings are so beautiful as they use the cows as markers for their runs in the morning and the cows chewing, can nearly be heard in the street as they are processing the grass into the delicious milk that I enjoy in my coffee.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Obie's birth, birthed a naturalist in me. Thank you Obie.

Obie is moving away and the wildlife, or at least the birds are crying. I am not crying, because I have my own fledglings {or older than fledglings} are still clinging intently upon me. :) I remember my dear baby neighbor, woke me out of a naturalist slumber, upon his birth. I have never seen such a reception before, but then I had not really looked at nature so intently as I did then. Birds from all over the neighborhood condescended upon that house, poor Russ. They made a nest in their attic, but it wasn’t just that. Those birds were trying to see the little fellow and how dear he was to his mother. Maybe they do that everytime a mother has her first. I have always been entirely too busy with my own children to notice such goings on around. Blackbirds and Bluejays were singing on the roof. Mrs. Robin was pecking at the window and the hummingbirds were darting hither and thither as though it was parade or something. What is the matter, I asked them. Obie! Obie is right next door to you and you don’t know him. He and his mommy are so close. We have to see this. I had gone over and I hadn’t seen anything that I hadn’t seen before. He was so intent on Lauren and devoted in his way. Boys always seem like this to me, with their mothers. Mine were, at least. Isn’t she wonderful! Speaking of his mommy. I had certainly had my share of mother child encounters such as this. But it was truly remarkable, how the animals darted in and out of the neighborly scene, just to inspect the happy duo. Now they are moving to a new place and there is not just Obie, but John-David and Caroline came to enjoy quiverly enjoyments with big brother and I can just imagine the romp that they will be all of the bunch. I am grateful to have known them before they got to be precocious as all children get. I will always remember them as infants and nursing babes. God bless that crew, wherever they go. first chats of Obie

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The morning after, and this morning we saw Captain Hook's Ship. Uh, Oh.

We saw Captain Hook’s ship in the clouds this morning. Ethan said stop giving the wrong directions to Neverland mother, or we will never get there. It isn’t the first star to the left it is the first star to the right. Oh I forgot. You can’t listen to me on those things. It is at moments like that that I am sure we are all on a journey together and we see the same things sometimes and then sometimes we don’t. I can never tell, if they are showing me the things that I see or if I am showing them the things that I see. Anyway, we all saw the ship and we were sure of it’s Hook likeness. The billowy sails atop and the darkness of the side of the ship. Let’s hope that the ship was taking off and not landing.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

I may never fly with the "starlings", but I'm in the Lord's "Aviary"!

"I may never march in the infantry..."

I don't dislike that song. I have often sung it while assisting in young Sunday School classes. I am trying to lose the violent bent that I have. "Study War no more" is my new motto. How can that be? You have been a fighter from the womb.

If you would see how my father would act out my earliest behaviors. You would laugh that I am saying study war no more, with the scriptures. I believe that God will bring a day where there will be no more war. War against even my own sins and natural tendencies.

God started yesterday showing me how to be in the Lord's Audubon Society, instead. Little "Nutmeg", my sweetest new friend sparrow, came around to dance a water dance in payment for the shower that I was giving her.

Shortly after this we got a shower from Heaven and I was reminded of the blessing of God's Hand upon us for good and provision and blessing and how we owe Him much more praise than we render. I woke to renewed worship and praise because of my little friend's dance in the shower. If "Nutmeg" can praise in the water, I have much more to praise Him about!


Saturday, May 24, 2014

I do wish that I would have thought to take a picture of the sky

What a beautiful decoration for En's birthday party was in the sky. I didn't get a real chance to drink it all in. Just the portion of the sky that was in the corner that I call Grandma and Barbara Stanwyck's corner. I started calling it that the night of the storm when we were watching the movie with Barbara Stanwyck and she was starting another fire and there was a lightning storm at the same time we were watching that part of the movie. I call that their corner and when the clouds are swirling like they were last night I know that those ladies are delighting in redemption and the second Great grandson's 20th birthday.

Gram, as usual had her stair motif. The steps were in the shape of Ton's birthmark. A J in clear foot prints and the cake was right next to it a pineapple upside-down cake bundt. Their theme for the party was "Jo March" The cake and the stairs was the J and the O and they probably had the whole thing spelled out for me, but I was too tired to decifer any thing last night. Thank God for Grandma and my love that spans wherever she is and wherever I am. She is never there but always putting the pictures in the view master of the clouds and showing them to me.

Here are my footprints and if you don't make it to Heaven, with your on again off again self, I don't know what I will do, she seems to say. Motherhood is one of the lassos that can grab a soul and make it hellbound, if you don't watch out. Idols in your heart that keep you from really loving God. There is a host of Godmothers unwrapping me from my lassos regularly and reminding me of the prize to be won. I do so lose sight of that.

Grandma Mon said Tony boy must be prayed for and his birthmark is the J in Jo March the building puzzle. She wouldn't let me see it was her and she scurried up the J steps and let me see her foot prints as clear as can be. Don't miss the real experience of heaven! Don't lose the match! Your halftime on this game you were behind as could be. In the hospital for the tenth birthday and here you are out and about. Thank God for small mercies daily and take one ball at a time. I was grateful for the pep talk.

A sparrow visited my birdfeeder to bring my thoughts back to earth and I went back inside to enjoy the festivities. We've got the whole family in prayer they all said in Grandmother lingo. I understood completely and received every fond wish. Happy 20th anniversary of the yes from God after a very big no. 20 years of watching his nearly every breath hoping that he wouldn't turn blue in front of you. He hasn't and I am breathing still, too. Thank you, Lord.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Friday, May 2, 2014

When Jesus cracks the sky, will we be ready? In the meantime...

Now, on the matter of present tense! Mrs. Day, Mother Day, (I call her) yelled at me in the clouds this morning. I was nearly laughing, were she not so right on point. A Huge, huge airplane was painted perfectly, Were you not just talking to Evie about jumbling all of the eons together in your communication until you can’t tell the 1500’s from the year 2000 with you people. Did you have to go all the way back to Chris Columbus for En to understand boring hymn singing and invisible lyrics? Could you have used an airplane word picture for him? Point well taken. I sit and receive the blessing of the first scene of Father My sponsors have vowed three things in my name… and Father comes down the steps decisively. Mother’s labor was not in vain in the Lord as she is my maternal sponsor and corrects quite severely when as in this case the conversation Mother daughter my mother’s letter and her mother’s letter and all these pages fall on my lap as I am pitching when I should be catechizing or being catechised ( I am Whitley). All in a day’s… ponderings.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

In my mind I am going to Carolina!

Oh dear, the sky here in NC is so interactive. It is positively interactive, virtual reality. Somedays, I can't handle the invasiveness of the NC sky.

I blame it on James Taylor introducing it to us in his music, at a young age. "Touch your head and the angels will show you where they hang their wings. Right over Charlotte, NC is the dressing room of the angels. They told me so.

Everyday they tell me how unruly and out of sorts my bedroom closet is. It is not the North Carolina way to let your closet get so out of control. Here, this is a hanger. This is what we do with our wings.

Last week somebody got an eagle patch for something they did and the whole group of them were showing me this and that patch they had won and how they carefully hang their wings on hangers, so that they won't get wrinkled. You won't be ready for heaven, if you don't get to that closet.

I know, I said!
Day and night it is the same. "Look to the left and you will see the stairs to West Heaven, it seems to say.

I guess it is competing with all of the technology people, who don't look at the sky anymore. (It's just like a New Yorker to make a map of the sky)

Easter main characters

Friday, April 18, 2014

Practicing for Resurrection on Good Friday ---Imaginations of future glories in present realities {Substitution...#00 for #11 go in to the game}

Practicing for Resurrection on Good Friday,
The ushers wore white and off white, in the aisles they stood. Uncle said, you are going to want to see this and you don’t want to look out of place so you wear whatever you have that is close to white. I know you have spilled coffee on all your off white and white stuff, but wear it anyhow.
We are all just grateful to be in the number of the redeemed. There is nothing but gratitude and rejoicing. The aisles are signified by the octagonal recesses in the ceiling and 2 ushers stand at opposite sides of the octagonal opening as the people are rejoicingly beamed into the eternal rejoicing. Not a single tear on their faces to leave us. We are sad to see them go, but they really can’t miss us for the presence of Jesus to which they are going.
I really don’t know if Uncle is a permanent usher, like the thief on the cross or if he was set as an usher until Uncle Reggie got in and they will both be deployed elsewhere after this point. I really can’t tell that.
The judgment of numbering the people 50 pieces of silver--- God stopped judging us right there and we are grateful. He picked 2 angel earrings for the 4 angels bound in the river and 50 pieces of silver for Araunah (2Samuel 24:22-25)there are 69 pieces on the necklace and Uncle’s bracelets to wear and international rings for peace. The angels have 4 pieces to their body and 6 stars on their crown. I think they are pretty and I have 2 angels that bless my Christmas tree each year on my dresser at home so that signifies the 4. I think that they are bringing healing now that death has gone to such depths in wars and the holocaust, especially.
Life is a war to be fought. Studying life in the replacement of war is a war in itself. People are always putting up their dukes against God when God is coming that we might have life and learn to study life. The redeemed know this and the glorified in Heaven promote this
. I don’t know if they are only let in on Good Friday every year or just this year. The angels are silent for the Amazing Grace. They can’t sing that song because they don’t know redemption as such. How is Ephraim the strength of His Head? How do we all belong to Christ in our culture and how indeed could David see that from his angle? Psalm 60—these are the questions in my head during the Amazing Grace.
I am neither the glorified, nor the angels so the angels do a type of narration to orient me to the process. They introduce themselves and tell me how I would know them in this or that scripture passage or movie reference. Ie. It seemed to me that the angel that had the sad providence to perform the judgment of numbering the people, hated that so much that she stood right next to God’s throne until Helen. Helen’s case was such a more sweet task to undertake. Bringing light to the mind of one who was blind and deaf, was a better job than the sad destruction that he was deployed to earlier. David saw only that angel and the 50 pieces of silver was her/ or his significance in Israel for the altar.2 Samuel 24.
I don’t think that this is the only building that signifies the resurrection. Christ is the resurrection so His resurrection is everywhere around us. He has come that they might have life and have it more abundantly. The surveying of the language as they look at them in tubes( kind of like testtubes all octagonal as well), is the occupation of the angels on Good Friday. The tubes go from ceiling to floor and the angels test the quality of the water and the color is significant also. They didn’t tell me why.
Are they {the languages} accurately reflecting God’s truth? Is there clarity or smudges in the language about God depicted? Are they stuck in this or that fallacy or heresy. The angels look at those things at Good Friday. They weigh every sermon. They weigh every spiritual book and they have a gradation process that I simply can’t go into at length. In Heaven, it is all about God’s glory and how it is projected. The angels care nothing about any other subject, maybe only on Good Friday, most of all.
“Everyday, the angel is showing me in my imagination, the moves he made before he lost the sword. When I try to make him stop and get to the point, he says to me, what are you rushing me for? The more that we conform our ways to Christ the closer he gets to his point. He is like a tennis player and when I watch the matches he shows me that he had to make this or that move when this or that thing happened. I spun around and I went like this and like that and then this happened. Day after day after day, I did this. I know, I say. I know the end of the story is that he lost it. I know the beginning of the story, He was placed to keep the way to the tree of life, but why he is telling me the whole story, I may never know. I think he is going to tell me that he lost it in the river, I am certainly too impatient to hear the whole thing. So, I keep listening patiently hoping that he will cut to the chase and tell me where the tree is. And He keeps saying what is your rush. You have promises to keep and miles to go before you get that answer.”
In the meantime, here we are at the Good Friday resurrection service. It probably happens everywhere. And it probably happens every Good Friday and maybe everyday, but, uncle wanted me to see this one, for some odd reason. The understanding of the weighing process of the Egyptian culture and the greatest value being God, has come clear to me in Genesis 50 and Abel-mizraim’s significance seems uncle’s pet-peeve. It is on the street between the “Lord Have Mercy’s” Beacon and “Teach me Thy Way, Oh Lord’s” Success. (there are 2 beacons in the hymnal online and 6 successes) The Lord Have Mercy is the 3rd and what a beautiful addition to the 2 in the hymnal to have a beacon written in our generation. I am so grateful to Michael W. Smith for writing that one for us.
Uncles both hugged and kissed me and told me the stuff they had about the left ear and the boney versus the soft-side of the left inner ear. Their puzzle is in equilibrium. This has some significance somehow, I have very little idea why. It is like a collection in the closet. I know what he said and he kissed and beamed up in the octagon and they were blessing God in the Alpha and Omega, with all of the redeemed, and then out of sight.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Evie under the care of dear Mrs. Robin.

Yesterday, the little bird felt quite accomplished as she saw the High schoolers onto the bus. She flew off, ambitiously to report her good deed to her coffee clatch. What real gossips the birds are, is true.

They think it their duty to see the children onto the bus and talk about their parents attendance to them or lack of attendance upon them in the process of preparation. Don’t they know how very short the time is for the children to fly off. I see their flight feathers already forming and their parents seem oblivious. II hear them to my real shame that I can’t redeem the time that has been lost in the forming of the flight feathers of the Highschool Evvie or any of the others for that matter.

They gossip aloud for us to hear or ignore as the case may be. I simply had to get them some seed for the graciousness of the harsh reminder or gracious reminder of the harsh reality that the time is speedily passing and My Evvie is on the bus on her own. She will soon be on her way in her adulthood.

I remember the sweetness of the days that it was the other children Em and En and Elyse on the Long Island Railroad and though they are still with us and pursuing their futures with anxiety and difficulty, we are still together and we are still striving together regardless of the vicissitudes.

What a talking to I got from Mrs. Robin this morning? I am hardly around if the others are sick. But today it was Evie. Oh no, what a time we will have talking about you at coffee today. How could you let your fledgling get sick. What is wrong with you?

We say the senioritis has gotten to her tonsils. Did you look down her throat? No? What kind of a hen are you? I flew right over when I heard from Mrs. Bluejay the sorry news. You know that we watch those children on the busstop, very carefully.

I know you do and I am grateful, I tried to make excuses, but birds will never have anything to do with excuses. If there is one thing about all types of birds they make no excuses and they will hear of none.

I couldn’t finish my sentence to her. She was off with a flash, once she had had her say to me. I was sufficiently shamed and grateful for the relationship to know what they do.

Friday, March 28, 2014

"Look to Jesus, now and live"

Listening for visual expectations of hope or looking for auditory expectations of hope could be futile. Learn to look for the visual and be grateful for the visual cues and listen for the auditory cues of hope. I was listening for the cries of someone who was certainly gone to glory. You can’t hear him anymore. My soul was listening, you can’t hear him any more soul or body. Separated. God said you tucked that part of him into the ground for a season. The resurrection comes when no separation will be any more. Look for that day. That is a hope that cannot be taken away. It takes time to embrace the hope of that day. It takes effort and on today, it is easier to see what is not here, than to hear was is here. Romans 12:12 Rejoicing in hope, patient in “tribulation”continuing steadfastly in prayer. ? Why? Because we have a city whose builder and maker is God. Because we see a God who stands above death and life and bids us to cast even those real and tangible and heartfelt griefs upon Him. He alone can carry that!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

First time I saw Baby Ben on cloud duty. Hoooraaah

3/26/14--11:29 am

Was that you that twerted? I heard 2 twerts, were they both you? Says sister to her clarinet toting brother. What a different perspective sisterly love is to motherly love.

You shut up, that is my son’s twerts. I wish you would have twerted or tweeted for me through Highschool, you chose not to so you have no right whatsoever to correct his twerts.

Anyway, the twerts were mine to miss or to hear. I missed the twerts, but I didn’t miss the skyscape. I’m glad that I wasn’t in my bed crying and missing the banter and the sky interplay. It was delightful.

The concert was 2 songs and 2 little people to enjoy in the seats in front of me before my wise Frosh came to tell us that he was ready to go. I am glad that I didn’t hear the twert, mess up of my baby. He knows that he has to practice and he doesn’t.

I will spend more time reminding him. For me and “Helen” the adventure of overcoming fear of the audience is the most important part of the process. Helen had a whole bunch of friends with her at this concert. I guess it was because it was my anniversary?

I thought it was Mu, because she wrote Lauren's name in the sky for me and everyone knows Lauren was her favorite. I said that must be MU, but when I saw the kookie clown I knew that it was someone I had never seen on cloud duty before. Do you have to be in heaven 25 years before you get cloud duty? Not Uncle Charles he's had cloud duty several times and he's only been there a little bit of time and aunt Glo's a neophite in heaven and she's been on a couple too...?

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Helen made another trumpet blast in the sky this morning.

Do you hear him coming? Do you see the trumpets? I know He's coming Helen I said. Are the trumpets visible for the audible and audible for the visual? I am looking for His appearing. Helen said He is coming soon! I said I know. How good God is to allow the sky to show and manifest His appearing as imminent. Halleluia, what a Savior!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Goosey Psychologist

Goosey seemed very empathetic at my story about En’s injury from a duck from years ago. She was just letting me go on and on about my anger with that duck. It bit my boy on the thumb and I was still holding a grudge, not against all ducks, mind you, but just that one duck. It is not nice to come to the park and talk about grudge of a duck. They don’t take well to that, but I will listen anyway, because it is clear that you need to get this off your chest. It was so nice of her to humor my violent expression. This little couple of birds did a bird version of a wheeley infront of us. I think that is bird for don’t listen to her, she is one of us, she would not have kicked that duck when it bit her son. 2 sets of birds did this in front of the goose, while she was listening to me. I think they have a coding and system of checking people out and that goose is the main judge of character on the pond. Either that or she is the pond psychologist. She was really cathartically humoring me.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Flying in Favor"lings"!

It was a sunny Lord's Day and I was determined to "press my way", inspite of my untoward attitude. This is an attitude that comes yearly, when March rolls around, for some unspoken reason.

So, yesterday I heard John p. Kee’s new song. Walking in Favor. I wasn’t impressed myself. But the response of the birds was utterly remarkable. As soon as they heard it they said, who is flying in favor, sit like this. Amen. And they did. All the say to church they were popping five, as it were with eachother to signify that they were aware that they were flying in favor. I was impressed that they were so aware of the favor of God upon them. It dulled the accusations of the enemy for a brief moment. No matter how I prep for this month, He always swoops. Maybe the birds can see him?{the enemy}

"He's trying to steal the glory", they warned. "He's not stealing it from me!" they said, everyone of them as I passed them. "Are you flying in favor?" They said let's see if she can get up from this swoop from the enemy. I don't think I did and he got entirely too much attention in spite of the help from my friends, sad to say.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Next stop "Paroucia"...

Froggiepoo and snakey and I got on the train at 4th St. We had run up the stairs and that is not easy with your backpack in one hand and a tiny snake in the other. Thank God, Froggie had kept up with me hopping. I had to hold the door for a minute and he hopped the last steps limberly but a little slower than my long legs had taken me. There were people already on the train and other animals of every kind. We knew we wanted to go to Paroucia and everybody on the train had the same intention. I stuck snakey in my mouth and dropped my bag to grab froggy and make sure that he didn't fall between the entrance and the door of the train. The people on the train had determined to get to know one another. They were singing and praising and grateful to be on the way. Froggie and snakey set themselves in my bag and fell asleep. It was an arduous trip up the stairs and we had to catch our breath.

jayne c walker's


_________________________________________________________________________________________________<>Robins Don't LeanBluejays Don't Beg

For the Birds?

For the Birds?
click on the picture to for an Evvie story.

Sparrow's Spring nest

Mr. and Mrs. Sparrow were caught, by me yesterday, shopping together for a new home. They flitted and flirted, just outside my window. Talking and discussing and lovingly disagreeing, if not arguing the benefits and the pitfalls of living at our house.
Mrs. Sparrow was very impressed with the 2 "ready made" nests hung outside our window. Mr. Sparrow hadn't even thought of them as "ready-made" nests. He used them for the provision of building materials for the private home that he had in mind in a surprise and hidden place. He doesn't like the openness, at all, of our porch. It's much too populated. When Mr. Sparrow gets it into his mind to give his sweet chicky a peck, he wants the freedom to do it without a bunch of younguns peeking over the nest to see what comes next.
Mrs. Sparrow was impressed that the porch was fully protected from hailstones. We all know what happened to a great many of last years' nests in that surprise hailstorm we had. Male birds seem to have a very short memory for storms. They have only one thing in mind in the nest building season... 03/09