Praise ye the Lord, who o'er all things so wondrously reigneth, Shelters thee under His wings, yea, so gently sustaineth! Hast thou not seen How thy desires e'er have been Granted in what He ordaineth?Years of crying about what He Ordaineth? Why suffering is there in this world, Lord? Why my baby? How can people say "Have you not seen???etc." The street signs on sad "Halleluia" Blvd. had all of my questions and some that I hadn't thought of. I had to lay down and take another nap when I got to some of the questions that I hadn't thought of. so many people bringing the sacrifice of praise with these questions in their minds. Uncle woke me up off of the ground where I had lain. He said don't stay here it is a bad neighborhood. Keep walking!
Uncle stopped someone to ask directions. He said, We are headed to "Glad Adoration" is it close or far from here. It took the fellow about 10 minutes to tell us the directions, it didn't seem close and I got a little afraid that we wouldn't get out of that dark neighborhood of sorrowful praise. Uncle was more chipper than he had been before this. It's just a short ways from here, but there are a lot of twists and turns. Okay, I said.
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