Now we see through a glass darkly

Now we see through a glass darkly
Helen Keller and her mother exemplified in the Miracle Worker

Sunday, November 24, 2013

I do appreciate how daddies love their daughters...

There was a time that I couldn't see it quite as clearly. I felt a kiss from my daddy one day, while I was mowing the lawn. I knew it was him and I held that kiss close as could be. They love us, daddies do. They can't really tell us what they want for our lives so clearly, but they love us and it is a part of the picture of the Father in heaven's love. Mrs. Day didn't have any daughters so she wasn't at the father's meeting. They seemed to show me the types of material that were being used for the stairs. I thought they were cleaning the stairs, when Mr. Day showed me his part. But, now I think that they have a part in building the stairs that we will take to the sky on. As I drove through the fog it was as though they were all carrying the car through. Look at this block and look at the inside of that block, the prayers of the saints are used in the composition of the steps. Will we overcome, by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony? is always my question. Look the question is not will we overcome, but will we be ashamed at our prayerlessness as I was when Gramps said, not one of those prayers of yours in Heaven was for me. I was ashamed, because I knew that was true. Well he brought the crew to show me the density of the stairs and to show me the importance of prayer. Uncle says that is his most important investment, in eternity was to have invested in the stairs. They popped over to show me that when you pray for one of their daughters in a special way, the father of that daughter is Amening in Heaven and carrying that prayer right to the block of stairs we'll be walking on when we are gathered together in the air and in the clouds. Gramps said I know that she will know what I mean when I guide her through the dense fog and she feels fine about it. Pray, pray pray and watch for His appearing.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Mrs. Day invited me to the "All Saints Day" Ladies' Tea Party in the sky

I think that as soon as Grandma heard that I was invited, she did what my dad used to do when she would come over. She ran up the stairs so that I wouldn't see her. I only saw the stairs she ran up. Every time the rainbow and the sunset sit opposite of eachother, it is sentimental to me. I had seen the stairs before, but I didn't realize that it was because my Gran was running up the stairs so that I wouldn't see her. I know that she was there because of the stitches on the sheer part of the sunset that the ladies were working on so diligently in their meeting. I really think that Gran is going to be my surprise, when I get to Heaven and she shows me the stairs every time I get close enough to see her in the sky parties. Those ladies are totally into the Chad puzzle and they painted their part of the puzzle, clearly. I really can't tell if they are telling me of the puzzle or following me in the puzzle and that is strange. Anyway, they painted into the skycloth sunset and it had a sheer covering that had Gran's sweet stitches. Be careful of the pins, I could hear her say as she ran up the stairs, it's only basted together. I loved seeing the steps but I couldn't believe that she would show me her stitches.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Is Our Status on God's Social Media?

I saw the blackbirds checking in with the sky, one day. I saw them plotting their course to make it north. Pop Blackbird happily showed on his "sky board", the specific directional signals that they were following, differentiating from the other bird's signals...

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Great truths packed in small packages.

Suggested reading, STepping Heavenward, the Heart of Anger, The Christian in Complete Armor, The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment. Just a thought

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Now, that I pass the hornet's nest everyday, it seems a game to

reflect on the sayings on the wall, as the bees come to the nest. The sayings on the walls are treasures from our forefathers. Stuff they wanted us to remember, when we see the building that was erected in that place. Still, we pass it by and rarely mull on the preamble and the other documents that went into the preamble's construction. That is like the game that they played in "El Dorado"; throwing the ball into hoops created years and years before. We throw our minds into what was the real expectation of the original signers and attempt to fulfill that mission or at least progress closer to it. The game of matching the principle with the reasoning and the expectation and how to progress unto it. I really never thought our forefather's were that smart to include, "Leviathan" or some of the other writings into their thinking when agreeing to preamble together. I thought of it as banging shackles off of one's self, as it were. That building's weaving those other thought's with the preamble is really a beautiful tapestry of freedom in the imagination.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

And I stepped out of the car almost onto a hornet's nest... Blessings for the day for me...

I think Mother Day had cloud duty, because the clouds made the most beautiful picture that there could be. It was as though Mother Day said, we must comfort Jayne's heart for missing Sunken Meadow's and make a Sunken Meadow in the sky for her. She absolutely assured me that Mr. Day was saved by the grace of God and that the testimony to be received is that we must perservere in prayer for the railers in our midst, Not you, maybe someone in your row. Mr. Day amened by stating matter of factly that we railers have to stick together.--Were it not for grace...

To the glory of God, we know that Christ saves to the uttermost all that come to God through Him and even railers, though we might be the stair cleaners will glorify God for the privilege of being so in the presence of our Savior.

The moon was setting in the perfect position for me to see it and the clouds came below the moon and made a valley for me to peer through. Just as the sea and the sky come together off of the Sunken-Meadow Parkway. Then, right over the moon was the perfect 2 lines of dark clouds, way above to mark the distances between where we were and the higher clouds. It is really amazing to think about the care that our heavenly Father gives to His children, even caring about our missing sights. I guess Mrs. Day was saying that the Sunken Meadow in Heaven is even more breathtaking than the thought that she could design a skyscape for my day.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Ad Hoc Praises to God.

The bird community in our neighborhood is very interactive, even though I don't get outside to talk to them often. I haven't been able to buy a bag of bird seed for them and they are still my friends. Two days ago I saw a hummingbird sit on a branch. This is very unusual. I see them flit and buzz around, occasionally. But, this hummingbird sat on a branch and really seemed to enter into the guitar music that I was playing. I haven't learned to strum yet, but they seem to relate to melodies plucked out simply and plainly. This little hummingbird was taking a moment to praise the Lord, between nectar hunting. He had a little friend that I saw who had no time for praising because the clouds were too close for that much comfort. It was certainly a time to find shelter from the storm. I was enjoying the moment of cloud gathering and bird watching and praising my Father in Heaven for comradery with the birds in gratitude. My one-stringed praise is very similar to their non-articulate praise and one day we will all be free to worship with our might the creator and redeemer.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

It was so interesting to get an encore from the birds.

I never knew that they did that. When I came to the back door, three birds were on the three houses behind my house and they were all three doing the same thing. Making twirlies in the air around the perch that they had made on the gutters of the house. I certainly never saw something like that before. I see the birds do some strange things sometimes, but they usually polly-wolly-doodle{as I call it}, only with each-other. This time, I knew that they were letting me know that they were fans of the hymns that I was playing. I like that, they told me. God is above all of this and I was mostly playing for Him.

And, on the subject of birds; I saw 2 hummingbirds yesterday. One was sitting and listening to me play for quite a little while and the other was completely oblivious and set upon gathering whatever nectar could be had before the huge storm would come on us.

Oh when, oh when will we be free from the curse of this earthly epoch. Free in creation to sing God's praises unhindered. The birds are well aware that fallen, we can only entreat God for deliverance and that one day the earth will be free to "really praise Him!" Halleluia, that He will usher this in for us all! Maranatha


Saturday, June 29, 2013

Learning to listen to the songs of the angels, was a great lesson at my previous job.

Perhaps it is only through the whistles of the hornets nests that they jam, but I had never heard the angel's jam as they did in insurances. At church, it is a simple song of rejoicing and delight. Insurance pillars are another place that the angels seemed very concerned and deliberate. I don't exactly know why, although I can surmise some of the reasons. That is not my interest in discussing them, today. It was the light show that was breathtaking, that I saw the other night. What a great and beautiful meeting of the angels in the sky. I was grateful to have been included or enlightened to their meeting.

It looked as though the angels get the privilege to dispense certain special abilities in the lightning. It looked like it was their web, like a spider's web. They take the principalities and put a lasso around them and make them subject to the Lord of All. This will never do, we must have this principality overcome that wicked thought pattern and take it captive. Has the church been praying about this or that wicked practice, overwhelming them in their days? The Church has prayed and so we will send that on the barge to the places where prayer is wont. Some of the battles of the spirit are flaming in the sky above us, as we contend in prayer, corporate prayer. What claims are in heaven have to do with whether the conditions are prayed for. Is the language dealing with problems in their culture? Are the children being tolerated or welcomed? Is mercy a forethought or an afterthought? How many children are learning of God's grace and mercy, before the hardening of the conscience? How many are slipping through the cracks? The claims of heaven are more specific and more eternal than those on the earth. Ours is the prayer and the activity part. It seems the angel's take the claims to heaven and dispatch the eternal consequences and the light show seemed to be a meeting, where they burned garbage and recycled what they could. It was beautiful, just the same.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

This morning there was a narrow group of clouds rolling by...

They weren't full of water by any means. They didn't seem to even have air inside them. They trounced or staggered toward the sunrise, like an inebriated band after a long night of partying. None of them were paired off and so they went home to sleep off the cares. I don't know if they really partied last night, those clouds. Clouds have a way of always looking a bit tipsy. It might have been my lack of caffeine that tilted my judgment about these beauteous wonders of the Huntersville skyline, or it might just be my vivid imagination at work again. It was bound to be an on again off again cloudy interactive day.

The night clouds are making a ruckus, perhaps castigating their inebriated young-uns for their last night's romp, I imagine. Anyway, Helen whispered to me, Sing the "Blind man song" so I did. We giggled that she knows the blind man song to me and I know that the blind man song doesn't have blind man in it, it is just the wrong way that I sing it. I just can't help, falling in love with you. Blind men stay, It's not blind men, it's wise men stay, only fools rush in. As soon as I said it, I started laughing that Helen and I would be singing that song together. She can see stuff, she never could and I can't see things that I should see. That is why we are friends. Well after we laughed for a while about whether it was blind or wise to be wise or blind, we ended the song and we knew that we weren't singing it to each-other, but for eachother to converse on the dark concourse of life, between time and eternity. The things tha-t entertain earthlings so much is funny to those enjoying the completion of their course. I can't find my backhand, I tell Helen. She is singing to me to help me find it. Maybe if I laugh it will come back to me.

Friday, May 3, 2013

It looked like Uncle Charles was on cloud duty today...

I can just imagine him in the dark room of heaven, perfectly developing the skyline for me. I know Jayne will see this cloud better if it is turned just so. I imagine. I didn't see the coffee clatch of angels over the pond this morning as I passed to carry my little fellows to their assigned duties today. I can no longer amuse them at the beauty of the works of God around them in creation. They are getting too grown to imagine the angels of condensation and evaporation, as I put it to them when they are young. That is puff the magic dragon for me. Just mommy's with whom God's mystic sweet communion becomes passe' all too soon for it to be communicated to their young'uns and the darkling world that steals and kills and destroys the dreams of true faith in the hearts of the children of the godly. God's Holy Spirit is the victor, whether mother lives to tell the children or dies in the conflict.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Dear new baby Gracie!

I am so very sorry not to have been able to attend your birth celebration. We have been waiting these 9 long months for you to be born. It is a delight and a treasure that you were sent at the very time that you were and we are counting it a "grace upon grace" for you to come to be a part of our family. Your mother and father are obviously aware of the grace of you or they would not have named you that name. Isn't God good? AMEN! I write, hanging precariously off the precipice of a great cliff. It is not a danger, really. It just feels like it is and looks like it is, most of the times. You see, I was diving for a volleyball in the second hit of a rally of the game and leapt long and far. I felt myself flying in falling, or falling and flying, whatever the case may be. Anyway, I was somewhere in midair, when an angel caught me in his teeth, by the foot. He continued flying and I am very grateful that the skin on my feet are so tough, or who knows where I would be. I am also grateful that the teeth on the angel were so strong and that he was not fastidious enough to be grossed out to catch me by the foot. We flew together long and far, the angel knowing where he was going and keeping me from tumbling to my physical and spiritual demise and I, flying by the skin of the alligator feet that I have been blessed with, that served me well, especially in this circumstance. When we got to where we were going, the angel tried to dislodge my feet, only to find out that they had become enmeshed together. Now, I really don't know where his teeth begin and my hard skin feet start. My feet are somewhat as tough as teethskin, by the way, so it is not very hard for this to have happened. The angel knows that if he detangles my feet, I will start careening into oblivion again, so he stands at the cliff and guards my soul from falling. I wish that I could be there to see your sweet and delightful baby face, today, but I can't. Wish me well, in my excursions hanging by the foot and I will wish you well in your endeavors in life with my sister as a grandma and dear Netty as your mother. I love you, Aunt Jayne

Thursday, February 14, 2013

I didn't expect the whole crew...

I had sensed some interesting spiritual activity going on around the house. Truly, I was praying and sensing some sort of surprise brewing. It is usually, Helen. So, I have come to expect the unexpected here and there. This was certainly of a different sort. Shadows and alerts here and there. My soul seemed a bit more calm, when it should be alarmed. These shadows didn't scare me and I couldn't have guessed what they were up to at all. Things like this are like reflexes. They happen all of a sudden, but they seem to take alot of time in prep and in absorbing. I really think that the elder people who have gone before meet here, before they go to NY for special occasions from Heaven. I know Netty is ripe with child, so I can only imagine that this is why they came to me. It is always special, but I think that they were telling me that fellowship with Heaven is not once in a lifetime, as I assumed, but a perk of communion with God. I said to myself that this is something that will happen and be over with, or maybe it means that I am not long for this earth. Well, in anycase, the night seemed so very long. I was aware of the Valentine theme around the house more than usual. We are all lovydovy around here and the sight of the children making Valentine's for Ezra's class was a beautiful sight. I slept and then awoke a few times. Ben gave me a long discussion that was about this and that. I didn't fall asleep once,{prodded by the convicting sermon that I heard by Pastor Stu}. I think he was even surprised that I didn't fall asleep he talked so long. Then when I slept I dreamed a very pictoral dream about the angels and up and down from heaven. I said that I would remember, but when I opened my eyes it was spiritually decorated all around me. Shadows and lights and darks, like being on the inside of a snowflake. I know Helen and baby Ben were there, Grandma Ruth, Aunt RaRa and Aunt Iva, who else, I don't know, but they were all around the room and it was dark and light at the same time. The angel that wakes me to prayer and praise, seemed nowhere around this morning. I got up and went to prayer and God is always there, who is more special than the most special guests who might come by, every once in a while.

Monday, January 28, 2013

I'm used to sparrows coming to visit, but these were the tiny delightful kinds.

I can't tell if the snow brought out the sparrows or the warm days that are coming. We have so little snow in our neighborhoods that the children hardly ever would have a snow day, if it weren't for some very kind school superintendents and thinkers who give us a family day, whenever Jack Frost pops his head out. Friday and Saturday were just such days. Saturday would have been the makeup day for last weeks unseemly frost and freeze day. The children were elated at the freezing weather. We played, the children played a board game{the first time in a long time}.

jayne c walker's


_________________________________________________________________________________________________<>Robins Don't LeanBluejays Don't Beg

For the Birds?

For the Birds?
click on the picture to for an Evvie story.

Sparrow's Spring nest

Mr. and Mrs. Sparrow were caught, by me yesterday, shopping together for a new home. They flitted and flirted, just outside my window. Talking and discussing and lovingly disagreeing, if not arguing the benefits and the pitfalls of living at our house.
Mrs. Sparrow was very impressed with the 2 "ready made" nests hung outside our window. Mr. Sparrow hadn't even thought of them as "ready-made" nests. He used them for the provision of building materials for the private home that he had in mind in a surprise and hidden place. He doesn't like the openness, at all, of our porch. It's much too populated. When Mr. Sparrow gets it into his mind to give his sweet chicky a peck, he wants the freedom to do it without a bunch of younguns peeking over the nest to see what comes next.
Mrs. Sparrow was impressed that the porch was fully protected from hailstones. We all know what happened to a great many of last years' nests in that surprise hailstorm we had. Male birds seem to have a very short memory for storms. They have only one thing in mind in the nest building season... 03/09