Now we see through a glass darkly

Now we see through a glass darkly
Helen Keller and her mother exemplified in the Miracle Worker

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Ad Hoc Praises to God.

The bird community in our neighborhood is very interactive, even though I don't get outside to talk to them often. I haven't been able to buy a bag of bird seed for them and they are still my friends. Two days ago I saw a hummingbird sit on a branch. This is very unusual. I see them flit and buzz around, occasionally. But, this hummingbird sat on a branch and really seemed to enter into the guitar music that I was playing. I haven't learned to strum yet, but they seem to relate to melodies plucked out simply and plainly. This little hummingbird was taking a moment to praise the Lord, between nectar hunting. He had a little friend that I saw who had no time for praising because the clouds were too close for that much comfort. It was certainly a time to find shelter from the storm. I was enjoying the moment of cloud gathering and bird watching and praising my Father in Heaven for comradery with the birds in gratitude. My one-stringed praise is very similar to their non-articulate praise and one day we will all be free to worship with our might the creator and redeemer.

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jayne c walker's


_________________________________________________________________________________________________<>Robins Don't LeanBluejays Don't Beg

For the Birds?

For the Birds?
click on the picture to for an Evvie story.

Sparrow's Spring nest

Mr. and Mrs. Sparrow were caught, by me yesterday, shopping together for a new home. They flitted and flirted, just outside my window. Talking and discussing and lovingly disagreeing, if not arguing the benefits and the pitfalls of living at our house.
Mrs. Sparrow was very impressed with the 2 "ready made" nests hung outside our window. Mr. Sparrow hadn't even thought of them as "ready-made" nests. He used them for the provision of building materials for the private home that he had in mind in a surprise and hidden place. He doesn't like the openness, at all, of our porch. It's much too populated. When Mr. Sparrow gets it into his mind to give his sweet chicky a peck, he wants the freedom to do it without a bunch of younguns peeking over the nest to see what comes next.
Mrs. Sparrow was impressed that the porch was fully protected from hailstones. We all know what happened to a great many of last years' nests in that surprise hailstorm we had. Male birds seem to have a very short memory for storms. They have only one thing in mind in the nest building season... 03/09