Now we see through a glass darkly

Now we see through a glass darkly
Helen Keller and her mother exemplified in the Miracle Worker

Thursday, November 8, 2018

A prayer for the souls of the dearly misunderstood head masters whom I know and don't know. May God great them true repentance and faith in their great task.

IJane eyre's serious blows to the sins of self righteousness.

The juxtaposition of Conventiality and self righteousness to morality and religion was Charlotte Bronte s great and well accomplished task.  The righteous need no physician and the self righteous seek no physician.  On the other hand, as parents of well reared children we fear for Theodore being taken advantage of by ill meaning soul thieves who would hang on their coat tails and vanquish their well intentioned neivite.  A life spent caring for a soul of someone who refuses the faith of Christ and doesn't allow you to pursue your faith is a torment which should and must be warned against.  I believe that Charlotte Bronte does both, warning and wooing people to a real and genuine profession of Christ.
{   }Link

Recently an obscure character has captured my imagination and I have considered how we express so little mercy for the Headmaster of the school in that story.  He has become a person of prayer consideration in my soul.  How many many well meaning instructors of righteousness may have missed the mark, as Talkative in "Pilgrims".  May God give me grace to follow the example of Charlotte Bronte and express my concern for their souls in some written form.  Amen.

Monday, October 8, 2018

September 2008. Repeat...

The bunnies were having devotions and they were reiterating for the most numerous of times, how God had delivered their species from destruction.  
As the bunnies tell it, an angel (and she doesn't know which) came and told all of the bunnies that it was going to rain and so many of them didn't believe, but their great....grand bunnies hopped directly to Mr and Mrs. Noah's house and waited for their brothers and sisters to follow. When God shut the door was when they knew that they would never see those bunnies again. Thank God for His preservative grace even to the creatures of the field!

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Learning to Lean, when God calls you into a conference.

When I was a youngun, I complained and cackled before the Lord for every providential dissuasion from my plans. Why? Lord, don't you know that I had plans for that time that was lost to a flat tire. Oh so often, some great revelation of my children's lives would come out of the hours spent waiting for the tow truck or the help for our automotive distresses. We were privy to each other's every thought in the midst of a small car with 6 to 9 little people trapped inside on a highway or a major thoroughfare. I learned to see it as an opportunity to get to know the people that I was with, but yesterday it was a getting to know God in the sky. He has amazing moving pictures that are wondrous. I am grateful that the God of the universe entertains us in His mind and paints and designs ways to get our attention that are sometimes inconvenient, but always in His great love. Thank you Lord.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Heaven seems to celebrate with us...

The Sunday morning drive to church was filled with amazing cloud celebrations. I knew Heaven had heard my pray-do's of the day before and several portions of the sky seemed to dot stars and stripes in celebration of faith that God can clean us up.

Mr. Day and Mrs. Day seemed in charge of this celebration. Mr Day was holding up a plug and reminding me that he was anti electricity in his day. Beware of being the backward type of parent, he reminded me. The fact that I met him on the steps and he met me on the steps was an incredible occurrence. "These steps must be the cleanest on 5th Avenue, this is the way Mr. Day wants them kept." From the movie... We obstinate types have to stick together, he said to me. Spiritual obstinance and Bossyboots must stay on our knees in prayer, because we have a tendency to overdo them. He is grateful for the spiritual life that keeps him cleaning the steps to heaven. He wouldn't have it any other way. God is more meticulous than I could ever be and still more merciful.

My conversation with them was short and sweet. We have so much to talk about and they have so much to teach me having successfully made in into Heaven with 4 boy souls in an earlier generation. Mrs. Day is my heavenly godmother, so to speak. She understands what can make you miss heaven completely as a mother of so many children. There is a time for nursing them and there is a time to stop nursing them, she always reminds me. She never says to think about yourself, as is the theme of today's woman's movement, she always says try a new approach. I used scripture in measured doses, to the boys, she reminds me. You can't pour it all in there at one time. I know, but I just can't help it, I always keep pouring the scripture until I think they've gotten it. You aren't the Holy Spirit, Jayne. Just give the Holy Spirit something to use in their souls, that is all we are doing.

The flags were way above the clouds that were making me think of the Day family. There were faces, dotting here and there, through out the lower portion of the sky and I felt that there was a purposeful and settled comradery between the saints in Heaven and the saints on earth as we pursue the effort to make it to worship. There is never a more concerted labor between Heaven and Earth than when we are on our way to Worship. They seem to stick their hands out of the clouds to pop five at the beauty of people worshipping God for who He is on the Lord's Day.

The one's that I know, I have lengthy conversations in the celebration and the ones that I don't we just say is this a sacrifice of praise or a victorious day for you. They don't have sacrificial praise days, when their race is won, but they sympathize with our labor not being completed yet and they have so many encouraging exhortations that it picks you up from where ever you are. When we get to know the few people from the great cloud of witnesses that are encouraging us to keep on going and to do the labor that is set before us, we have greater tools to fight the good fight of faith.

Why is faith a fight?

I think that NC must have the cleanest steps in the country. I haven't been to every state, by any means. All I know is that Heaven seemed a lot further away in NY than it seems here. The seeds sown by Billy Graham of souls won for Christ all over the world seems to make it the pulley whereby God is pulling the earth to a greater knowledge of Himself. We can either work together with Him, or work against Him. I wouldn't want to be the person dirtying the steps of the Lord.

Friday, June 22, 2018

More than just a glimpse of heaven is the fruit of celebrating the Lord's Day. That isn't fiction!

Chapter 10 of Pilgrim's Progress is a wonderful expression of the earthly expectation of the Christian, when so much of suffering has past. There are seasons of refreshing and Derrick Thomas exposes this so very aptly, in his series on the Pilgrim's Progress, which I found on Prime Video's. I have been so blessed to hear these wonderful spiritual observations of a classic.
It is amazing and soul strengthening!

Sunday, June 3, 2018

The Wonder of Sisterhood and Motherhood and how they mesh came clear in the new Little Women!

I guess that was where all my emotions went at celebrating the accomplishment of graduating from college. I hadn't thought that I would cry at the graduation. I thought I might have cried at the Markle wedding. The eyes were dry.

Surprise! there I am watching the Little Women series and I thought it was wonderfully done. The scene of the mother coming into the room and her extra giddy girls were whirling and twirling. I had been the girls, at one time. I had been the mother at one time and now my girls are fully women and past any of that whirly twirly stuff. How did I miss that passing? Where did it go to?

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Oh Boy, there was a squirrel graduation also!

I really had no idea that the squirrels went to school. I never thought of them as educated or uneducated of a species. I gave so much attention to the bird schools, which are so advanced and elegant. Well, Mr squirrels eldest son showed off to me. He was relating to my elation at my child's advancement.

She is promoted to BS, I brought up, simply as a point of interaction. This that I am carrying, he replied, is the advanced degree cap for my son. It was a very large cracker and the not so timid Father squirrel carried it amazingly carefully, so as not to break it into pieces. I thought you were carrying that cracker for a night snack for your family, I said, very ignorantly.

I offended the proud parent, who now had poopooed me off as an ignorant animalistic human, instead of a humanistic animal, which he originally had pegged me. OH well, you win some, you lose some! I wasn't myself, that day.

Friday, April 27, 2018

The rainy days and meeting the new goose family....for Addison

Well, little Addy this is the second day of the rainy week here in Charolotte, NC.  The goslings are now well equip with lots of beach gear, now that it is a regular thing to have water play, everyday.   They have a floater and a beach ball and they wake up squawking to get in the water.  Mother Goose has to help them to calm down and eat their breakfast.  If it were up to them they wouldn’t even eat breakfast.  They would just jump out of their trundle bed on the roof of our building, into the new pond that is there.  I hope that they are not too disappointed next week when the water is all gone.

For the time being the little goslings are entertained from morning to night in the water of our newly made pond.  My babies at the daycare are just the opposite.  They are upset that the wetness keeps them inside.  When we do go outside we must be careful of the wildlife leftovers from their water play.  They are not a very neat family.  Their mommy does her best to make them clean up behind themselves, but they often forget to do even the most important of things like washing and using the potty.   We have to clean up behind them or the babies cannot go out there.

I am sure that you and Chacha don’t forget to use the potty or wash your hands, like the geese do.  Do you?  


Addison, sweetie,

It has been a whole day since the torrents that were upon us have dried and Mother Goose took no time off to dry her own feathers.  It was time for the goslings to start their studies.  She brushed and combed their feathers and placed them on their very best behavior to get them ready for the school bus to pick them up this morning.
The bus came on time and Jenny was afraid of the fog that engulfed our little town.  Her mommy spanked her sharply and took no back talk from her little ones about their education.  I had always heard that the geese were a strict breed of bird, but even I was crying at the severity of Mother goose and the tone she took with them.   No one will accuse this goose family of being backward and “hootenanny”.  That was all she said and she placed the three of them on that bus to school.   Jenny goose was sobbing all the way.  She sat next to another female goose and they became the swiftest of friends and her fear of the fog and upsetment with Mother gooses spanking became a quiet memory for the fun she was starting to have…

Thursday, March 29, 2018

I saw Aunt Lorraine on cloud duty!

She told me some jokes that only we could have shared. I remembered her fondly and considered our sweet moment of reminiscing and advice a dear part of the mystic sweet communion that I hadn't ever even thought to have enjoyed, through eternity. We talked, somewhat about the anticipation of the improvement of our family, with the same old song of our masculine love of that personality and how it develops. I miss her much and I didn't realize how much until today.

Monday, March 19, 2018

"A Log for the birds!"

Elusive to me, was this task. My birds were nagging and wondering how I could sit on this bag of seed for months, without having even thought about their cold and hunger.

My excuse in February was that it was in the 70s for weeks and I thought that the insects and sprouts that came out were enough for the birds. I also had found this recipe for a log, using gelatin and I was planning to use it.

I had compiled the ingredients, some of which took some thinking. I nearly always have gelatin of somesort. I thought about using an expired box of banana gelatin, that I didn't care for. How would that look to my friends? Now think about it. I may still use that in a later project for them. I am not that fastidious with my friends as you might have thought. I imagined myself using a pringles container or one of the sundry coffee containers for the log. The time and the container were the most illusive of the ingredients of the project. Yesterday was the day and your fathers old coffee cup from our trip to Evie was the container. {He keeps coffee for days and sips it and I was determined that 3 days of old coffee was more than enough tolerance, on my part.}Here it is. My first attempt and just after Purim a gift for my little friends in the neighborhood, what do you think?

Friday, March 16, 2018

Personal visitations are amazing watching little ones!

Many times the children walk around or sit with someone else looking at them. They interact and talk to this other person in a game or in a conversation and I am not privy to it. Yesterday, it happened to Yousif. He was standing by the door and offering his ball to someone very tall. He kept trying to give it to someone. He is a thrower and doesn't hold the ball and offer it to anyone. He was talking to the person and was enthralled and enchanted, like I am not able to enthrall him. I assumed a masculine character, from the engagement. He came away from the interaction with a look of determination and understanding. He looked like he had found his good purpose on this earth. Each of my sons have had numerous escapades, like this. This is the first one that I have been in the room for with a boy. I guess I had assumed that girls were more prone to imagination on this sort and left it at that. My boys, I thought were mirroring their mother. Yesterday convinced me that the interaction between earth and heaven is more who is praying for the children and less about whether they are male or female.

I want to make a mental note if it is related to the ides of March or a special occasion or an everyday thing. I am not sure. It certainly doesn't happen everyday.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Can real peace come through thinking?

I do love our Kevin Sier for making us think and immortalizing this national treasure that we've lost! God bless America!

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Two Pi's equal one M!

I really enjoyed the beauty of the fully clouded sky today. It was as though all of the Pi got together and covered our entire region. The beauty of the starstudded night sky of last night bloomed into a promising storm of some type of "precip" to come. Our sky seems to be recouperated from the loss of our great NC hero making it to his eternal home. Seems the devil doesn't even know where to go to find someone to try to tackle, as he did our Billy{Graham}.

I imagined talking to Aunt Glo this morning. Elyse and I had such a laugh about it. It is just like she came to me when we lived up the block. She said, I am doing a play of the book of Daniel and we have only women to work with. It is very hard. I laughed with her that it would be. She said you are the only one that can understand the dilemma. Nobody else I know has read the book of Daniel and seen that there are only men in the main roles. The ladies are taking it on the chin, she assured me and we are having loads of fun. I am trying to use my connections to scare up a few men in the neighborhood to enter with us so it won't be such a bore for my ladies. I was in tears in that conversation.

Well I watched Anything Goes with Bing Crosby for the first time last night. I said Aunt Glo must have cast Zizi for the role of the Lord of the Dance for Billy's Homecoming party. Elyse and I were in stitches to think about it!
I said, if that is who she cast, there must be just as few men in heaven?

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Well, It was certainly more extravagant than the Macy's Parade

The morning sky gave no indication that it was going to be so amazing this morning. I nearly started to cry at the spectacular balloonlike cloud formation. I knew that my men couldn't relate, so I simply tried to call their attention to the wonders in the sky. I tried to get them to focus on something other than the screens and the road and their own concerns. They amazingly accomodated me and didn't mock my skygazing, like they usually do.
I saw all kinds of different formations moving slowly and close to our ground, but not filled with water, just white and puffy. As we got close to the city, there was a lionlike formation that had something round in front of it and the sunshine on it gave a rainbow effect on it. So very beautiful. I saw so many, that I simply can't recount what they all were. When we got to Charlotte the entire sky was filled with different balloonlike forms. I felt privileged to see the beauty of the celebration of a great man who had given his life and that Heaven was weeping with us at our loss and we were rejoicing with Heaven at its gain of such a testimony of victory and overcoming for Jesus! Halleluia, What a Savior!

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Today the angel's step stool fell down!

lightning story
When I looked out in the morning it was upright. A few minutes ago I looked out and it was bent to the ground from the weight of the potted plants that I had hung on it.

I call it the step stool, because the day that I saw the lightning bring something down from heaven, the spiders spun two webs that seemed to mark the place where the angel had placed his feet to jump from here up to the spot where he shot the stuff down over long ways away. If my bird feeder hadn't hit the ground in the wind, I would have missed that amazing sight. Everything went very quickly and it was a blurr to me, but the spiders filled in the things that I couldn't see. It hit the ground with a thud very far,but not too far from here.

The Lightning marked the spot and the angel jumped to shoot it down, it looked like. I haven't been able to feed the birds ever since for the wonder of the amazing thing that happened. I like to think that the New Jerusalem came down, just like the sheet of the animals that Peter had to kill and eat. In any case, I went outside and pulled the step stool back upright.

Maybe that means that I better start feeding my birds again.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

When Morning Gilds the Skies?

When the hands of Sovereign intricate patterning snatches the visible and invisible particles of the air that we breathe and creates the pattern that we see in the sunrise, what does it incline your heart to say?
As I was going to work, yesterday the sky was so beautiful. I saw a pattern that looked like a wing, but it wasn't made by the clouds. It was formed from airplane smoke lines and I was really disappointed. I felt like, who are you, Mr. Airplane to try your hand at gilding the sky pattern that I see. When the angels have taken me into their closet to visit their wings, orderly arranged to try to help me in my disorderliness, they didn't look like that! I felt obliged to revisit the season when I was getting acquainted with the sky patterns here in NC and how very close they are to heaven.

I remember so many days that I was privy to the beauty of the angel closet and where they hang their wings when they aren't flying. They were trying to teach me to order my own closet, an impossible task. So many deals they made with me to keep this and that plant alive and do the things that I need to, in priority order. Your priorities are out of whack, they often implored. Rebuked and reproved, I felt, but still implored to keep striving. Yesterday, I was just angry at the impertinence of that plane to simulate the gilding of the morning! Masterful Hands are always laboring to beautify our surroundings with the color and vibrance that we enjoy!

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

My Tears of Jealousy when I look at Jochabed!

Even, nearly thirty years after the sad event, I approach the year with a knowledge that somebody is missing.
I ask God, everyday, why must I agonize so and have the thought of Jochabed's sparing son to taunt me. Isn't that the mark of God's approval, having the victory in Christ? Isn't it not having to go through such an aweful thing that means that He loves you?
Jochabed had influenced a generation in her gratitude and I believe that is why Egypt rose like it had to such a lofty height of pride. Men who had confidence that their mother loved them above all else on this earth. Those Egyptian women tried to compete with Jochabed in her great expressions of love to her son. This changed Egypt and the world. I hate her and envy her privilege to have done that with her child, when mine was taken. That is why I can't write that story.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Tweety came to my house today!

She is as spry as ever. I was glad to see her, even if she hadn't come bearing gifts. She tapped at my bedroom window first. I was still asleep because the coffee was late today. I jumped out of bed, thinking the sparrows had forgiven me for forgetting them this Christmas season. (I had every intention of making them a lovely bird food jello, but I never got around to it) I pulled the curtains with my apologetic frown on my face and there was Tweety. What a pleasant surprise!

I put on my robe and ran downstairs to open the door for her. In she flew with a gleam in her eye and a pep in her voice that I didn't see in her when she was being chased day and night by Sylvester. How are you? I yelled and we hugged and kissed and renewed old glances. "It has been years" she twitted at me, "but I knew that you would like these items, I brought them to you."

We opened the box together and she was exactly right that I loved every item in the box. Some fit me and some would fit the other ladies in the house. But we had a lovely time gossiping and laughing.

jayne c walker's


_________________________________________________________________________________________________<>Robins Don't LeanBluejays Don't Beg

For the Birds?

For the Birds?
click on the picture to for an Evvie story.

Sparrow's Spring nest

Mr. and Mrs. Sparrow were caught, by me yesterday, shopping together for a new home. They flitted and flirted, just outside my window. Talking and discussing and lovingly disagreeing, if not arguing the benefits and the pitfalls of living at our house.
Mrs. Sparrow was very impressed with the 2 "ready made" nests hung outside our window. Mr. Sparrow hadn't even thought of them as "ready-made" nests. He used them for the provision of building materials for the private home that he had in mind in a surprise and hidden place. He doesn't like the openness, at all, of our porch. It's much too populated. When Mr. Sparrow gets it into his mind to give his sweet chicky a peck, he wants the freedom to do it without a bunch of younguns peeking over the nest to see what comes next.
Mrs. Sparrow was impressed that the porch was fully protected from hailstones. We all know what happened to a great many of last years' nests in that surprise hailstorm we had. Male birds seem to have a very short memory for storms. They have only one thing in mind in the nest building season... 03/09