Mr. Day and Mrs. Day seemed in charge of this celebration. Mr Day was holding up a plug and reminding me that he was anti electricity in his day. Beware of being the backward type of parent, he reminded me. The fact that I met him on the steps and he met me on the steps was an incredible occurrence. "These steps must be the cleanest on 5th Avenue, this is the way Mr. Day wants them kept." From the movie... We obstinate types have to stick together, he said to me. Spiritual obstinance and Bossyboots must stay on our knees in prayer, because we have a tendency to overdo them. He is grateful for the spiritual life that keeps him cleaning the steps to heaven. He wouldn't have it any other way. God is more meticulous than I could ever be and still more merciful.
My conversation with them was short and sweet. We have so much to talk about and they have so much to teach me having successfully made in into Heaven with 4 boy souls in an earlier generation. Mrs. Day is my heavenly godmother, so to speak. She understands what can make you miss heaven completely as a mother of so many children. There is a time for nursing them and there is a time to stop nursing them, she always reminds me. She never says to think about yourself, as is the theme of today's woman's movement, she always says try a new approach. I used scripture in measured doses, to the boys, she reminds me. You can't pour it all in there at one time. I know, but I just can't help it, I always keep pouring the scripture until I think they've gotten it. You aren't the Holy Spirit, Jayne. Just give the Holy Spirit something to use in their souls, that is all we are doing.The flags were way above the clouds that were making me think of the Day family. There were faces, dotting here and there, through out the lower portion of the sky and I felt that there was a purposeful and settled comradery between the saints in Heaven and the saints on earth as we pursue the effort to make it to worship. There is never a more concerted labor between Heaven and Earth than when we are on our way to Worship. They seem to stick their hands out of the clouds to pop five at the beauty of people worshipping God for who He is on the Lord's Day.
The one's that I know, I have lengthy conversations in the celebration and the ones that I don't we just say is this a sacrifice of praise or a victorious day for you. They don't have sacrificial praise days, when their race is won, but they sympathize with our labor not being completed yet and they have so many encouraging exhortations that it picks you up from where ever you are. When we get to know the few people from the great cloud of witnesses that are encouraging us to keep on going and to do the labor that is set before us, we have greater tools to fight the good fight of faith.Why is faith a fight?
I think that NC must have the cleanest steps in the country. I haven't been to every state, by any means. All I know is that Heaven seemed a lot further away in NY than it seems here. The seeds sown by Billy Graham of souls won for Christ all over the world seems to make it the pulley whereby God is pulling the earth to a greater knowledge of Himself. We can either work together with Him, or work against Him. I wouldn't want to be the person dirtying the steps of the Lord.
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