I missed it, for hanging out with the sparrows. Mother Robin clued me in on the whole thing. She sat in a tree with at least four of the young and not so young couples that she came up from the south to visit. These young couples are too much in love to have sense enough to move with the weather. I am retired from laying eggs now and Mr. Robin and I stay as comfortable as possible these days. I was surprised to see her, because it had been so brisk.
She said the couples and her would never darken the doors of such a display. They had all kinds of line dancing and the turkey trot. They stayed in the trees until they played her favorite song, some Spanish song, that I didn't catch the name of. She did go down and dance, just that one and then she was up in the tree talking about the attire and deportment of such practices of the other bird populations who would go to such extents in their celebrations. They had a live band and everything. To hear Mother Robin tell it, I think I will request a personal invite from Mother Duck for next Christmas.
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