IJane eyre's serious blows to the sins of self righteousness.
The juxtaposition of Conventiality and self righteousness to morality and religion was Charlotte Bronte s great and well accomplished task. The righteous need no physician and the self righteous seek no physician. On the other hand, as parents of well reared children we fear for Theodore being taken advantage of by ill meaning soul thieves who would hang on their coat tails and vanquish their well intentioned neivite. A life spent caring for a soul of someone who refuses the faith of Christ and doesn't allow you to pursue your faith is a torment which should and must be warned against. I believe that Charlotte Bronte does both, warning and wooing people to a real and genuine profession of Christ.
{https://www.gutenberg.org/files/1260/1260-h/1260-h.htm. }Link
Recently an obscure character has captured my imagination and I have considered how we express so little mercy for the Headmaster of the school in that story. He has become a person of prayer consideration in my soul. How many many well meaning instructors of righteousness may have missed the mark, as Talkative in "Pilgrims". May God give me grace to follow the example of Charlotte Bronte and express my concern for their souls in some written form. Amen.