I feel so stupid to be 55 years old and just opening LG, by means of movie. I lose my status as being thought of by myself as a well read and well rounded individual. I thought of myself as a person of multitudinous in my fully read books. Of course, my memory is losing more than I have placed into it. I lost so much that now I can't find the file of my informational readings. So, I keep filling the files, in hopes to replenish, before the hole empties the entire tub.
I hear the mother in "How Green" mocking me, "why would one fill a tub with holes in it?" Indeed why do I fill my mind, when I know it has holes? I fill it because it is empty, I retort.
Absalom, was the butterfly in "LG". I know him, I jump up and down to say. I was just reading about him a day ago. Providential? Like Horshack in Kotter, I jump and raise my hand in the class. I know Absalom and I know butterflies, like my best friends. What was Lewis Carroll trying to say?
Fleeting characters in Scripture, are they won to faith or lost? The womans' movement in the Old Testament, was it addressed by the God of Creation? Are women vindicated, is Tamar? That was Absalom's movement. He was the anti-harassment portion of the Kingdom. How far underground did that movement go? Does Jesus care?
Whose battle is that? It is the churches battle and many men have taken it to task, and some to their deaths, as Absalom.
Absalom died, in judgment and David knew why. His sins were brought into his face. It is my fault, he was saying over and over in his griefs. I showed this boy the wrong thing about my life. I showed him that I let the good old boys off the hook too easily. I showed him that his sister was less than to me. Women weren't important to him, but they are to Jesus.
Jesus came to correct the record, as it comes to women. We are not the center of the universe. Our angers and griefs are carried to heaven. Our prayers for our sons are seen by our Lord. Our monuments to their misunderstandings in prayer are considered at the throne of Mercy. How much of ourselves are we willing to spend to grow children into the Kingdom of Heaven? Carroll and His generation had a burden of not letting the Absaloms go to hell, because of their inconsistencies. They built schools to separate the wheat from the chaff and get the wheat into policy-making positions. Scripture was a standard, among other standards to create an Athenian-style debate of hammering out policies. God will not judge us harshly, if we are judging ourselves aright, was the reasoning of these great men of yesteryear.
Somehow the womans' movement has become an end in itself and not an issue to be reconciled with. Men who are masculine are attacked, for their bias. Femininity is the rule of the day. It is our turn, we say. We must crush masculinity, because that is the enemy! Not so!