At least, it looked like she was there to check on me yesterday morning, dropping Elyse at her job. Selfless service, she attempts to cackle into my mind. Selfless service is one of my antidotes to contention. Why do you fuss so much? It doesn’t take all that, she says to me. Look, setting a good example is 50% of the process, at least. This morning, it was about food choices. You have a real cow when they take the longest distance between 2 points; as if humans were born with laws of physics in their hearts and minds. I hear you bantering that into your fledgelings: the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. I find that walking them through the straight lines is more efficient or effective in teaching others, than the cackling and worrying, which is what I see you doing.
Six geese were with her of the group, were down from the sky and traversing on the ground to check my countenance on the way to work. I am your claim handler on this mushmouth claim. Mother said. You are showing that frowny face again. Do I need to come into this car and peck you on the nose to show your face to your family? You human mothers are so funny, you think that, because your seasons are longer than ours for childrearing that you can get away with grumpiness. She covered her little one’s ears when she even said grumpiness to me. I don’t even let my children hear that word. My husband and I spell any mean words that we need to say. The season of rearing is too short to waste it in sour tones and sour tastes.
Her point was well taken.
Proverbs 17;27.He who has knowledge spares his words, And a man of understanding is of a calm spirit.
28.Even a fool is counted wise when he holds his peace; When he shuts his lips, he is considered perceptive