Now we see through a glass darkly

Now we see through a glass darkly
Helen Keller and her mother exemplified in the Miracle Worker

Friday, August 5, 2016

When the heavenly visitors come to play...

Braxton's friend was involved in his eating habits, yesterday.  The friend stood above the highchair and engaged him in a ten minute tug of war with the spoon.  Braxton is usually very attentive to his plate or bowl.  Perhaps he didn't like the cereal, but this tug of war usually happens right as the baby is walking into the " two's".  It is my theory that heavenly warriors have a last chance to kiss baby, before the angels put them on auto-pilot.  Natty had months of this kind of kissing game, others had a day or two.  Then they come "into themselves" so to speak.

It seems heaven whispers promises into their ears that the angels aren't privy to.  The angels have to stand aside and give the warriors a hearing by the baby.  They fall and they fight, like never before, but they look up as though they see the person whispering in their ear.  They talk in an upward direction and it is not to me.  They seem to be given a scepter of dominion on the earth.  It looks like they come out of the meeting thinking that they are already reigning.  They get discouraged that I don't know what the person told them.  I'm just the monitor.  I can't hear them,  I have to remind them.  "What good are you?"  they seem to say, after the meetings.   The ministering, guardian angels come closer after the meeting, but they really can't hear anything that is said between heaven and earth on those sessions.  Only the child is privy to their direction.

It seems to me that the angel has the womb and the church triumphant has marching orders for infant to toddlerhood.  If you are really quiet and close to the cradle, you can hear the hymns they teach baby and the marching orders that are given.

Braxton had the spoon back and forth and up and down, playing a game and swinging it.  He spilt his bowl and I let him stay there a minute, before I cleaned him up.

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jayne c walker's


_________________________________________________________________________________________________<>Robins Don't LeanBluejays Don't Beg

For the Birds?

For the Birds?
click on the picture to for an Evvie story.

Sparrow's Spring nest

Mr. and Mrs. Sparrow were caught, by me yesterday, shopping together for a new home. They flitted and flirted, just outside my window. Talking and discussing and lovingly disagreeing, if not arguing the benefits and the pitfalls of living at our house.
Mrs. Sparrow was very impressed with the 2 "ready made" nests hung outside our window. Mr. Sparrow hadn't even thought of them as "ready-made" nests. He used them for the provision of building materials for the private home that he had in mind in a surprise and hidden place. He doesn't like the openness, at all, of our porch. It's much too populated. When Mr. Sparrow gets it into his mind to give his sweet chicky a peck, he wants the freedom to do it without a bunch of younguns peeking over the nest to see what comes next.
Mrs. Sparrow was impressed that the porch was fully protected from hailstones. We all know what happened to a great many of last years' nests in that surprise hailstorm we had. Male birds seem to have a very short memory for storms. They have only one thing in mind in the nest building season... 03/09